South Carolina Funeral Ebook Continuing Education

Many who at first did not provide cremation assistance because they deemed traditional funerals to be the most financially stable eventually learned that they should accommodate many of the special requests for business growth and maintenance they received. Because resomation is operational in some states, it would be wise to be informed about this new technology before customers begin to ask for it. 3. The powder is dried, and any metals present can be removed for recycling. 4. Remains can be stored indefinitely when contained in a vacuum-sealed container. 5. Exposure to moisture allows natural decomposition. 6. The option of a green eco-friendly burial includes placing the remains in a coffin made of cornstarch and burying them in a shallow grave, where they turn into compost within 6 to 12 months. Then a plant, bush, or tree can be planted to signify the location of the deceased and aid in the composting process. Promession is not available in the U.S., although it is in the experimental stage. There are currently facilities in the UK, South Korea, and Sweden.

quality. In 2010, a bill backed by the California Funeral Directors Association defining AH as a type of cremation was introduced but failed in the California Senate due to concerns regarding the pH of the discharged water (Irving, 2016). Those who have studied the funeral industry have drawn parallels between this new technology and cremation. Both offer potential new business and are changing the industry. Promession Promession, developed in Sweden by Susanne Wiigh-Mäsak, is the process by which a body is broken down into compostable, environmentally friendly fragments via treatment with liquid nitrogen. It represents an emerging alternative to cremation. Promession employs a freeze-drying technique to reduce the body to a powdery substance. Advocates believe it is one of the most environmentally friendly means of disposition. The process follows these steps (FuneralSite, 2022): 1. Within a week after death, the body is submerged in liquid nitrogen at 196 degrees Celsius and is cryogenically frozen to remove water and crystalize the body. 2. The brittle remains are then exposed to vibrations that reduce them into a fine organic powder weighing about 70% less.


but these consumers are often the individuals with the most wealth, so a vital part of any business strategy is helping them locate services and products on the Internet. Funeral businesses are able to target people looking for their specific products and services. Funeral professionals can put their abilities in front of hundreds of people every day using their website and free social networking sites such as Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube. This new technology considerably expands a funeral professional’s ability to promote their business. While traditional marketing methods and media are important promotional venues, new strategies in marketing utilizing social media networks have become increasingly important and will continue to grow. Social media networking offers funeral professionals a powerful way to get the word out. It is important, however, that social networking strategies be integrated with other marketing practices and materials. For example, all materials and postings should refer back to the website. podcasts, networking, bookmarking, mashups, widgets, virtual worlds, and more. Social networking sites are websites that connect people and create online communities. In these online communities, people can join and establish a page. Many communities also have discussion groups, typically formed around a theme or industry subject, where members can interact and exchange questions, information, and suggestions. Web-based discussion groups include blogging sites and chat rooms. Social networking sites make it possible to build an audience or community with specialized interests. Web presence becomes intrinsically associated with the business, helping to develo and strengthen relationships. All social networking sites allow users to find people they know among the members or look for other members with similar interests or affiliations, making it easy to establish networks of contacts.

The Internet has radically changed the way purchases are made and will continue to influence marketing in every industry. It is estimated that more than 75% of funeral planning begins online. Each day, more consumers are finding potential businesses on the Internet, checking available products and services along with prices, reading reviews and references, and making the decision to contact a particular business for an appointment. All of this occurs within minutes. Not only do a large number of people in the U.S. have access to the Internet, Importance of an internet presence Businesses need a home page with contact and other basic information as well as pages dedicated to frequently asked questions regarding services offered, prices, and information about experience and expertise. Funeral homes also may have pages dedicated to appointment reservation and scheduling, allowing clients to book services online. There can also be pages for product reviews and descriptions or explanations of various services offered. An effective website is an essential part of any business presence and serves as the virtual front door. Research shows that more than half of all Web users evaluate websites based on home pages alone. Social media networking Marketing in the funeral industry is very sensitive. Few people want to discuss their death or those of their loved ones before it is absolutely necessary. Internet marketing strategies have the potential to revolutionize funeral marketing, advertising, and sales because they advertise without coming across as “pushy.” This is in part because the audience member, in many cases, has specifically searched for that information, has chosen to receive information, and is choosing to access it at the time and place of their preference. The key to this is becoming a preferred information provider—a “friend” on Facebook, for example. Sensitivity and rules of propriety on the Internet are critical, and posting inappropriate or insensitive information will cause a reduction in status. Social media is a broad term that defines various activities that integrate technology, social interaction, and content creation. Through social media, individuals create web content, organize content, edit or comment on content, and combine and share content. Social media uses many tools such as web feeds, blogs, microblogs, wikis, photo-sharing, video-sharing,

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