8. The correct answer is D. Rationale: Being White makes it easier to assimilate into the dominant culture and to partake in unearned privileges many White people enjoy but do not acknowledge. 9. The correct answer is A. Rationale: Multicultural perspectives provide the opportunity for two persons – from different cultural perspectives – to disagree without one being right and the other wrong.
10. The correct answer is B. Rationale: Although there are variations among the definitions of social justice, there are three factors that are part of all definitions. These are equal rights, equal opportunity, and equal treatment. In other words, social justice mandates equal rights and equal opportunities for all.
CULTURAL HUMILITY FOR ALL HEALTHCARE PROFESSIONALS Final Examination Questions Select the best answer for each question and mark your answers on the Final Examination Answer Sheet found on page 98, or complete your test online at EliteLearning.com/Book 66. An important part of cultural humility is to: a. Identify one’s own biases. b. Learn a skill that can be taught. c. Establish an end point. d. Emphasize knowledge acquisition. 67. A concept that is used to describe how various dimensions of diversity come together to privilege or 73. During assessment and treatment, healthcare professionals who practice cultural humility recognize that: a. Assessment tools and treatment protocols are appropriate for all patients. b. Historically, many therapeutic strategies were developed without empirically supported research with ethnic minorities. c. They should rely solely on manualized treatment protocols.
oppress individuals is: a. Cultural humility. b. Forced assimilation. c. Intersectionality. d. Immigration. 68. Poverty rates for women and men are almost even throughout: a. Young adulthood. b. Persons who are 65 and older. c. Persons aged 22-35. d. Childhood. 69. According to a NORC survey, all the following statements about the LGBTQ population in 2020 are true EXCEPT: a. More than 1 in 3 LGBTQ Americans faced discrimination. b. Fewer than 25% of LGBTQ Americans felt the need to hide a personal relationship. c. 15% of LGBTQ Americans reported postponing or avoiding medical treatment because of discrimination. d. More than 3 in 5 transgender Americans faced discrimination of some kind. 70. The unjust or cruel exercise of authority or power is: a. Privilege. b. Oppression. c. Marginalization. d. Vulnerability. 71. The process of deliberately paying attention to one’s own thoughts, emotions, decisions, and behaviors is: a. Self-critique. b. Marginalization. c. Self-reflection. d. Privilege. 72. Culturally humble learners understand that: a. They will both make mistakes and learn from mistakes. b. Mistakes have no benefit. c. They must think of patients according to a deficit perspective. d. They have failed to practice with cultural humility.
d. They should fixate on one answer to a problem. 74. Social justice requires all the following EXCEPT: a. Achieving wellness even when social injustice is present. b. Ensuring that all people have equal opportunities. c. Equal rights. d. Equal treatment. 75. When differentiating cultural competence and cultural humility, it is important to know that: a. Only cultural competence acknowledges layers of cultural identify. b. Cultural humility requires ongoing self-reflection. c. Cultural humility suggests an end point. d. Cultural competency assumes an understanding of self is needed. 76. Which term does the following defintion describe: “multiple, intersecting identities and ascribed social positions (e.g., race, gender, sexual identity, class) along with associated power dynamics, as people are at the same time members of many different social groups and have unique experiences with privilege and disadvantage because of those intersections” (Rosenthal, 2016, p. 475)? a. Intersectionality. b. Privilege. c. Cultural Competency. d. Dimensions of diversity. 77. How many people living in the U.S. were born in a another country?
a. 10 million. b. 20 million. c. 30million. d. 40+million.
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