New York Social Work Ebook Continuing Education

56. Promoting client well-being is an example of: a. An enforceable principle. b. A suggested principle. c. An aspirational principle. d. An unspoken principle. 57. In 1984, Kitchener identified all of the following as moral principles that are essential ethics guidelines EXCEPT: a. Integrity. b. Beneficence. c. Autonomy. d. Justice. 58. The case of Tarasoff v. Regents of the University of California established: a. The right to physician-assisted suicide. b. Mental health professionals’ duty to warn potential victims. c. The need for informed consent. d. Aspirational principles in mental health care. 59. Informed consent has been: a. A carefully followed policy since the publication of the Nuremberg Code. b. A long-held idea that is now being questioned. c. An ancient idea dating back to Hippocrates. d. A recent ethical and legal requirement. 60. The Tuskegee syphilis study ended in: a. 1937. b. 1952. c. 1967. d. 1972. 61. Factors to be considered in insuring the validity of informed consent include: a. The presence of a mental health disorder diagnosis. b. Language and comprehension. c. Oppositional language in a client’s living will. d. Obstinance from a client’s next of kin.

62. Advancing human rights and socioeconomic justice is: a. Admirable behavior but outside the competency of a social worker. b. Fine but should not get in the way of professional demeanor. c. A core competency of social work practice. d. An enforceable social principle for social workers. 63. All of the following are examples of microaggressions EXCEPT: a. Asserting that as a white male with a disability one understands the oppression suffered by persons of color. b. Complimenting a U.S.-born Asian American person’s English. c. Assuming an elderly client has a living will. d. Labeling a black woman as “strong.” 64. Demonstrating ethical cultural competence includes: a. Being knowledgeable about music and its impact on human behavior. b. Considering the nature of social diversity and oppression. c. Recognizing and appreciating the strengths found in select individuals. d. Participating in the practices and customs of at least two racial and ethnic groups. 65. Microaggressions are a form of: a. Intentional or unintentional racism. b. Mild physical abuse. c. Nonparticipation in multicultural activities. d. Insensitivity to nonverbal cues.

Course Code: SWNY04PE

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Book Code: SWNY1224

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