New York Social Work Ebook Continuing Education

Impact of law on practice Currently the United States, including all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands, and other countries regulate some form of mental health practice. Many typically regulate practice through statutes, i.e., practice acts, that stipulate who may practice and/or call themselves mental health practitioners (Saltzman & Furman, 2016). State oversight boards give authority to practice to qualified individuals, typically defined by three There are also laws that impose legal obligations to abide by practices that further serve to protect the consumer, such as federal and state statutes requiring mandatory child abuse reporting, practices that ensure client confidentiality, and competence to perform certain services. When conflicts occur between a professional code of ethics and the law, Beaton (2018) advises that the practitioner must: ● Consider the best interest of the client. ● Consider the possibility of negotiating the situation to stay within the law to the greatest extent possible; otherwise, the social worker must consider whether he or she could defend his or her actions in court. ● Consult peers, the ethics board, risk management specialists, or an attorney. ● Be sure that his or her notes explain the decision-making process in detail. The Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB) is a nonprofit competencies: ● Education, ● Experience, and a ● Passing score on an examination. organization composed of, and owned by, the social work regulatory boards and colleges of all 50 U.S. states,

the District of Columbia, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, and all 10 Canadian provinces (ASWB, 2020). ASWB is dedicated to social work regulation. Its mission is to strengthen the protection of the public by providing support and services to its member boards, including the following: ● Owning and maintaining the social work licensing examinations that are used to test a social worker’s competency to practice ethically and safely. ● Developing and maintaining a model practice act that offers regulatory bodies a resource for developing their own laws and regulations. ● Providing services, including the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE, 2015) program for approved continuing education, CE audit contract services, license application and issuance contract services, the Public Protection Database, and Look Up a License Database. ● Publishing a bimonthly electronic newsletter: The Association News . ● Partnering with CSWE-accredited schools of social work, to pilot an educational initiative, Path to Licensure , which was developed to strengthen student and faculty knowledge of professional regulation, as well as its important connection to public protection and social work values and ethics. Unlike regulation under the law, adherence to regulations set forth by private credentialing bodies is voluntary. However, the regulations and codes of ethics are universally respected. Mental health professionals also practice in accordance with the professional standards of care established by private professional associations such as the ACA, NASW, and AAMFT.


● Collegial actions. ● Reimbursement. ● Conflicts of interest. Of the 267 individuals found to have violated ethical standards, 26% were found to have violated only one ethics category, while 74% had violated between one and eleven categories. Most of the cases (55%) involved boundary violations such as those involving sexual relationships and dual relationships. Given the frequency of these violations (and, remember, this study only examined reported violations), we will be exploring these two violation types in more depth later. The findings reflected a variety of inappropriate behaviors that blurred the helping process and exploited clients, including: ● The use of physical contact in treatment. ● The pursuit of sexual activity with clients, either during or immediately after treatment. ● Social relationships. ● Business relationships, and ● Bartering. This rationalization encompasses two principles: 1. Specific ignorance. 2. Specific literalization. It is important to bear in mind that these two “principles” are in reality ethical fallacies used to justify unethical behavior (Pope, 2013). Specific ignorance The principal of specific ignorance states that even if there is a law prohibiting an action, what you do is not illegal as long as you are unaware of the law.

In addition to professional affiliation codes of ethics (such as established within national professional associations), state licensing laws and licensing board regulations identify basic competencies for mental health practice. Failure to follow the ethical codes of one’s profession may result in sanctions, fines, even expulsion from the profession, and can result, if sued, in a judgment against the practitioner. For example, Strom-Gottfried (2000) reviewed 894 ethics cases filed with the NASW between July 1, 1986, and December 31, 1997. About 48% of the cases resulted in hearings, and of those, 62% concluded that violations had occurred, for a total of 781 different violations. The study clustered those violations into ten categories: ● Violating boundaries. Unintended actions Some mental health professionals may argue that an action is ethical as long as you are not intending harm and/or are not knowingly violating an ethical standard or law. Or, what about those unique situations that don’t readily lend themselves to a reference in law or codes of conduct? What defines prudent practice? Grappling with questions about what is unethical and what isn’t ethical is a situation faced by any person in the helping professions. Pope and Vasquez (2016) discuss the tendency to rationalize that an action is acceptable, as it relates to the practice of psychotherapy and counseling: ● Poor practice. ● Competence. ● Record keeping. ● Honesty. ● Confidentiality. ● Informed consent.

Book Code: SWNY1224

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