Ohio Physical Therapy Ebook Continuing Education

55. The most common type of cancer found in the 1999 Boissonnault study of patients presenting for outpatient physical therapy service was: a. Skin cancer. b. Prostate cancer. c. Breast cancer. d. Lung cancer. 56. A typical finding for a patient with low back pain of mechanical origin is that the pain: a. Increases in non-weight-bearing, recumbent positions. b. Is distributed in a bilaterally symmetrical pattern. c. Increases with weight-bearing positions or activities. d. Is worst at night. 57. An atypical finding for a patient with mechanical low back pain is that the patient’s worst pain occurs: a. In the morning. b. In the afternoon. c. In the evening. d. At night. 58. An atypical finding for a patient with mechanical low back pain is that the pain: a. Increases with weight-bearing activities. b. Migrates from one location to another. c. Decreases with rest. d. Decreases with a change in position. 59. Research on patient responses to general health questions shows that fatigue is: a. An uncommon complaint for patients seeking medical help. b. A positive diagnostic indicator of cancer. c. A common complaint for many disorders. d. A positive diagnostic indicator of an adverse drug reaction. 60. Which statement regarding fever is true? a. The presence of a fever rules in the presence of an infection. b. The absence of a fever rules out the possibility of an infection. c. A fever lasting longer than two weeks is a clinical concern. d. The presence of a fever rules out the presence of cancer. 61. The most frequent diagnosis for patients who experience unexplained weight loss is: a. Depression. b. Cancer. c. Gastrointestinal disorder. d. Hypothyroidism. 62. A patient who experiences hair loss, fatigue, and unexplained weight gain unrelated to fluid retention should be screened for: a. Cardiovascular disease. b. Renal disease. c. Hypothyroidism. d. Depression. 63. The level of concern for a patient presenting with paresthesia and weakness is reduced if the symptoms: a. Follow the distribution of a spinal nerve.

64. In many older adults, the first presenting symptom with an infection is the onset of: a. Confusion and disorientation. b. Fatigue and malaise. c. Paresthesia and weakness. d. Nausea and vomiting. 65. The most common site for new primary cancers (other than skin cancer) to develop in males is the: a. Prostate. b. Colon/rectum. c. Urinary bladder. d. Lungs. 66. The cancer site that causes the largest number of deaths per year in the United States is: a. Breast. b. Prostate. c. Lung/bronchus. d. Colon/rectal. 67. When metastatic cancer is found in the liver, the most likely site of the primary cancer is the: a. Central nervous system. b. Lungs/bronchus. c. Breast/prostate. d. Colon/rectum. 68. The most frequently prescribed medication in the U.S. in 2017 was used to treat: a. High cholesterol. b. High blood pressure. c. Depression. d. Pain. 69. Serious side effects of thyroid replacement hormone that should be reported to the physician include:

a. Weight gain and cold intolerance. b. Heart palpitations and tachycardia.

c. Weight loss and GI upset. d. Intermittent loss of hair. 70. Which drug is not associated with developing gastrointestinal distress?

a. Corticosteroid. b. Acetaminophen.

c. NSAID. d. Aspirin. 71. An exaggeration of the intended therapeutic response to a drug is known as: c. A side effect. d. Amplification. 72. Aspirin, the other NSAIDs, and opioids are known to produce frequent adverse drug reactions in which: a. An allergic reaction. b. A therapeutic effect.

physiological system? a. Gastrointestinal. b. Pulmonary. c. Central nervous. d. Integumentary.

b. Migrate between areas. c. Are progressive over time. d. Are bilateral and symmetrically distributed.

Course Code: PTOH05MC


Book Code: PTOH1324

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