Florida Psychology Ebook Continuing Education

279. Culturally humble learners understand that: a. They will both make mistakes and learn from mistakes. b. Mistakes have no benefit. c. They must think of patients according to a deficit perspective. d. They have failed to practice with cultural humility. 280. During assessment and treatment, healthcare professionals who practice cultural humility recognize that: a. Assessment tools and treatment protocols are appropriate for all patients. b. Historically, many therapeutic strategies were developed without empirically supported research with ethnic minorities. c. They should rely solely on manualized treatment protocols. d. They should fixate on one answer to a problem. 281. Social justice requires all the following EXCEPT: a. Achieving wellness even when social injustice is present. b. Ensuring that all people have equal opportunities. c. Equal rights. d. Equal treatment. 282. When differentiating cultural competence and cultural humility, it is important to know that: a. Only cultural competence acknowledges layers of cultural identity. b. Cultural humility requires ongoing self-reflection. c. Cultural humility suggests an end point. d. Cultural competency assumes an understanding of self is needed. 283. Why is self-reflection and self-critique recommended for healthcare professionals in order to deliver culturally humble services? a. It provides a useful framework for healthcare professionals to understand the multitude of factors that cause oppression and privilege in a single individual. b. It is a skill that can be taught, trained, and achieved. c. It can help one understand that women are disproportionately represented in certain occupations, particularly those that are low-paying. d. It helps professionals to continually refine their understanding of themselves and their actions and reactions within counseling contexts. 284. Healthcare providers must expand their scope of cultural competence because population demographics are: a. Becoming less relevant over time. b. Constantly changing. c. Generally stable across generations. d. Confusing. 285. What major racial group had the highest poverty rate between 2019 and 2020? a. Blacks. b. Non-Hispanic Whites. c. Asians. d. Native America Indian and Alaskan Natives.

286. All of the following are reasons contributing to the disproportionate representation of women living in poverty EXCEPT: a. Wage Gap. b. Forced assimilation. c. Occupational Segregation. d. Domestic violence. 287. Oppression is maintained by which of the following? a. Individual and Institutional systemic discrimination. b. Cultural humility. c. Intersectionality. d. Health Inequities and Disparities. 288. Which of the following self-identifying individuals is most likely to live in poverty? a. A man who is 78 years old. b. A man with an intellectual disability. c. An Alaskan Native woman. d. An unmarried woman with no children. 289. Repeated and evolving processes of self-reflection make healthcare professionals’ ___________ explicit and, therefore, subject to examination and change. a. Implicit Biases. b. Intersectionality. c. Cultural competence. d. Commitment to social justice. 290. Multicultural counseling and cultural competency frameworks have been criticized for assuming ___________. a. That healthcare professions are committed to cultural competency. b. Marginalized groups are better equipped to recognize power imbalances. c. There is an end point in cultural training. d. The approach of cultural humility differs from the multicultural competency approach. 291. Of the 38.1 million people living in poverty in 2018, 56%, or 21.4 million, were: a. Women. b. Teens. c. African Americans. d. None of the above. 292. The White Identity Theory formation was based on the ideas that: a. Being White makes it easier to assimilate into the dominant culture and to partake in unearned privileges many White people enjoy but do not acknowledge. b. White people are so immersed in the dominant culture that they are unaware of the influence of the dominant culture’s ethnocentric images and ideals. c. White people perceive themselves as unbiased, but such self-perception may truly impede one from taking responsibility for one’s own prejudices. d. All of the above.

Course Code: PYFL03CH

Page 281

Book Code: PYFL4024


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