Florida Psychology Ebook Continuing Education

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CULTURAL HUMILITY IN BEHAVIORAL HEALTH Self-Assessment Answers and Rationales

1. The correct answer is B. Rationale: Cultural humility is an ongoing process, which requires continual self-reflection and self-critique. Cultural humility is a prerequisite to cultural competency. 2. The correct answer is C. Rationale: The highest number of foreign-born people came from Mexico. They represented 25% of the population of foreign-born people by country of birth residing in the US. There were 11,182,111 people belonging to this group. 3. The correct answer is A. Rationale: The highest poverty rates are experienced by Native American Indians, Alaska Natives, Black women, and Latinas. About one in four Alaska Native women live in poverty. 4. The correct answer is B. Rationale: The type of functional disability that has the highest percentage is mobility. The percentage of people with a mobility disability is 13.7%. 5. The correct answer is D. Rationale: Oppression is a pervasive system. It has its foundation in history and is maintained via individual and institutional systematic discrimination, personal bias, bigotry, and social prejudice. Oppression leads to a condition of privilege for the person or the group that is the oppressor(s).

6. The correct answer is C. Rationale: Vulnerabilities are created by the cumulative impact of the creation of margins and living between cultures. Vulnerability is defined as a state of being exposed to and unprotected from health-damaging environments.. 7. The correct answer is B. Rationale: Healthcare professionals often attempt to take the emphasis off race, class, gender, and other areas of difference by denying the effect these aspects of diversity have on patients (e.g., “The only race I know is the human race”), or by trying to show that they understand the patient’s experience because they, too, are a member of an oppressed group. 8. The correct answer is D. Rationale: Being White makes it easier to assimilate into the dominant culture and to partake in unearned privileges many White people enjoy but do not acknowledge. 9. The correct answer is A. Rationale: Multicultural perspectives provide the opportunity for two persons—from different cultural perspectives—to disagree without one being right and the other wrong. 10. The correct answer is B. Rationale: Although there are variations among the definitions of social justice, there are three factors that are part of all definitions: Equal rights, equal opportunity, and equal treatment. In other words, social justice mandates equal rights and equal opportunities for all.

CULTURAL HUMILITY IN BEHAVIORAL HEALTH Final Examination Questions Select the best answer for each question and complete your test online at EliteLearning.com/Book

273. An important part of cultural humility is to: a. Identify one’s own biases. b. Learn a skill that can be taught. c. Establish an end point. d. Emphasize knowledge acquisition. 274. A concept that is used to describe how various dimensions of diversity come together to privilege or oppress individuals is: a. Cultural humility. b. Forced assimilation. c. Intersectionality. d. Immigration. 275. Poverty rates for women and men are almost even throughout: a. Young adulthood. b. Persons who are 65 and older. c. Persons aged 22-35. d. Childhood.

276. According to a NORC survey, all the following statements about the LGBTQ population in 2020 are true EXCEPT: a. More than 1 in 3 LGBTQ Americans faced discrimination. b. Fewer than 25% of LGBTQ Americans felt the need to hide a personal relationship. c. 15% of LGBTQ Americans reported postponing or avoiding medical treatment because of discrimination. d. More than 3 in 5 transgender Americans faced discrimination of some kind. 277. The unjust or cruel exercise of authority or power is: a. Privilege. b. Oppression. c. Marginalization. d. Vulnerability. 278. The process of deliberately paying attention to one’s own thoughts, emotions, decisions, and behaviors is: a. Self-critique.

b. Marginalization. c. Self-reflection. d. Privilege.

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