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HOSPICE AND PALLIATIVE CARE Self-Assessment Answers and Rationales
1. The correct answer is b. Rationale: Hospice and palliative care are not the same. Palliative care is the overarching care of those with serious or advanced illness, in which hospice is a subset. Hospice is not paid for only by private insurance. Other sources of payment for hospice services are veteran’s benefits, self-pay, charity, Medicaid, or the Medicare Hospice Benefit 2. The correct answer is a. Rationale: The four levels of hospice care are routine, continuous, general inpatient, and respite care. 3. The correct answer is c. Rationale: Only patients who have been diagnosed with an advanced or life-limiting illness and determined by a physician
to have six months or less to live can qualify for hospice care. Having a family is not part of the hospice certification process. 4. The correct answer is c. Rationale: Both hospice and palliative care delivery center around quality of life and working toward relief of physical and psychosocial symptoms. 5. The correct answer is d. Rationale: CAPC recommends a, b, and c as ways for healthcare providers to support access and equity for the delivery of hospice and palliative care to minority, vulnerable, and underserved populations.
HOSPICE AND PALLIATIVE CARE Final Examination Questions Select the best answer for each question and complete your test online at
253. In addition to addressing the physical needs of seriously ill patients, end-of-life care addresses their psychosocial and a. Learning needs. b. Legal needs.
256. The four levels of hospice care include all of the following EXCEPT a. General care. b. Routine care. c. Respite care. d. Intensive care. 257. In hospice and palliative care, the patient’s family is defined a. As next of kin. b. As the nuclear family. c. By the patient. d. By state law. 258. Hospice and palliative nurses often educate family members concerning what to expect from the patient as death approaches. These symptoms include agitation, cool
c. Spiritual needs. d. Language needs.
254. According to the World Health Organization, palliative care improves a patient’s quality of life by using a team approach to address the needs of the patient and family members, integrating psychological and spiritual aspects of patient care, along with a. Acting to hasten or control the patient’s death. b. Regarding dying as an unnatural process. c. Incorporating services late in the course of illness to prevent complications. d. Offering a support system to help the patient live as actively as possible. 255. After the election of hospice care, an assessment of the level of hospice care must be completed within a. 24 hours. b. 5 days.
skin, restlessness, and a. Noisy breathing. b. A surge of strength and alertness. c. Decreased appetite. d. All of the above.
c. 10 days. d. 1 month.
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