Florida Psychology Ebook Continuing Education

MANAGING PROFESSIONAL BOUNDARIES Final Examination Questions Select the best answer for each question and complete your test online at EliteLearning.com/Book

233. Which ethical principle states that the clinician must strive to do no harm to their client? a. Beneficence

240. Multiple relationships include all of the following except: a. Providing individual therapy to more than one family member b. Hiring your current client to mow your lawn on a weekly basis c. Running into a client at a wedding d. Seeing one of your group therapy clients in concurrent individual therapy 241. Szumer and Arnold (2023) propose the term “overlapping relationship” to describe: a. A simple encounter with a client outside of therapy b. An ongoing involved relationship with a client outside of therapy c. A dual relationship that is harmful to the client d. A dual relationship that damages the therapeutic relationship 242. The healthcare provider is given a bag of homemade cookies by their client at Christmas. Before accepting this gift, all of the following should be considered except: a. The monetary value of the gift b. The timing of the gift c. The therapist’s preference for the cookie flavor d. The client’s intent for giving the gift 243. Accepting payment or gifts for referring clients is: a. Legal in most jurisdictions b. Considered an unethical kickback c. Acceptable according to professional ethics codes d. An acceptable business practice 244. Professional codes of ethics state that bartering arrangements: a. Should not be documented in the client’s chart b. Can be used frequently without concern as long as values are equal c. Should only be used if it is an accepted practice in the community d. Can be initiated by the clinician or the client . 245. When using social media, Baier (2019) recommends that therapists: a. List their education and training on personal social media accounts b. Allow GPS tagging of pictures for geographic clarity c. Change their password once a year d. Routinely do a self-search to see what therapist information is publicly accessible 246. According to Mosher and colleagues (2017), therapist focus on cultural humility: a. Lowers the risk of unintentional boundary crossings b. Is not important in the day-to-day therapy process c. Focuses on how culture affects therapy in general terms d. Ignores client values and beliefs

b. Nonmaleficence c. Integrity/fidelity d. Autonomy/justice 234. A boundary crossing:

a. May be therapeutically helpful b. Always leads to boundary violations c. Is very infrequent in practice d. Is a clear ethical violation

235. A boundary vioWlation:

a. Has risk of harm to the client b. Is often exploitative of the client c. Violates professional ethical standards d. All of the above 236. Accepting a minor gift from a client, running into a client in the store, and extending the length of a session one time

are all examples of: a. Ethical violations

b. Boundary violations c. Boundary crossings d. Breach of confidentiality

237. When reflecting on a decision about a boundary crossing, Pope and Keith-Spiegel (2008) suggest all of the following except: a. There should be minimal or no documentation about the decision b. Imagine the best and worst possible outcome from the crossing c. Pay attention to uneasy feelings or confusion about the situation d. Consider guidance from a colleague, ethics codes, or laws 238. The Blundell and colleagues (2022) study found that professional boundaries: a. Cause therapist anxiety b. Make professional burnout more likely c. Foster a sense of confidence and competence in the counselor d. Cause the clinician’s personal issues to become blurred with those of the client 239. According to professional ethics codes, a dual or multiple relationship: a. Is always avoidable b. Is not necessarily unethical if it does not cause harm c. Does not cause a conflict of interest d. Does not apply to counselor-supervisee relationships


Book Code: PYFL4024

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