Florida Psychology Ebook Continuing Education

221. Ensuring health literacy in the older adult with visual challenges includes the following practices EXCEPT a. Use an average font size of 16 to 18 b. Do not use glossy paper c. Use powerpoint d. Ensure the written material can be read by the client 222. How has the use of technology for healthcare dramatically increased with the COVID-19 pandemic? a. Telemedicine providing access to care b. Older adults communicate with each other more easily c. Older adults can file Medicare claims online d. Communicating with Family decreases depression 223. Health risks of loneliness include the following EXCEPT a. Dementia risk increases by 50% b. Heart disease risk increases by 32%, leading to higher rates of stroke c. Coincides with higher rates of depression, anxiety, and suicide d. Overeating and Obesity 224. At what age should Advanced care planning start? a. At age 55 b. At age 61 c. At age 50 d. Care planning can be completed for clients of any age 225. Undue influence is defined as a. social influence b. a dynamic between an individual and another person c. A bully d. control 226. How does the healthcare worker assess the older adult’s ability to be autonomous a. Observing the adult for 48 hours b. Interviewing the family or caregiver c. Using standardized measurement tools for assessing ADLs (Activities of Daily Living) d. All are correct 227. What is the leading cause of death in the 65-74 year old population a. Cancer b. Driving c. Falling d. Suicide 228. Which of these is NOT a Chronic Medical Conditions that requires Investigation for Driving Safety a. Diabetic retinopathy b. Glaucoma c. Palpitations d. Depression 229. _____is the most abused substance by older adults. a. Marijuana b. Alcohol c. Prescription Drugs d. Opioid 230. According to statistics, abuse is reported for around ___ of those age 65 years and older

231. Which is NOT a sign of abuse in the older adult a. Difficulty sleeping b. Unkempt appearance c. Low checking account balance d. Outward signs of trauma and regression 232. According to Kübler-Ross and Kessler, how many stages of grief are there

a. Five b. Two c. Four d. Six

a. 10% b. 25% c. 50% d. 75%

Course Code: PYFL04MH

Page 218

Book Code: PYFL4024


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