This interactive CA Dental Hygienist Ebook contains 12 hours of continuing education. To complete click the Complete Your CE button at the top right of the screen.
CALIFORNIA Dental Hygienist Continuing Education
Elite Learning
Inside: California Dental Practice Act, 7th Edition Infection Control Standards for California Dental Health Care Workers, 6th Edition
ELITELEARNING.COM/BOOK 12-hour Continuing Education Package $72.00
THIS COURSE FULFILLS THE CA DENTAL PRACTICE ACT AND ITS REGULATIONS REQUIREMENT Course 1: California Dental Practice Act, 7th Edition (Mandatory) [2 CE Hours] The profession of dentistry in California is regulated by the California Department of Consumer Affairs, the Dental Board of California, and the Dental Hygiene Board of California. The Dental Practice Act (part of the California Business and Professions Code) is the set of regulations that governs dentists, dental hygienists, and dental assistants. The Dental Board of California, the Dental Hygiene Board of California, and the California Department of Consumer Affairs have the power to amend or revoke these laws as needed, subject to approval by the California Legislature. This course provides an overview of these governmental entities and outlines the content of the Dental
Practice Act, its attending regulations, and other statutes relating to dental practice. THIS COURSE FULFILLS THE CALIFORNIA INFECTION CONTROL REQUIREMENT Course 2: Infection Control Standards for California Dental Health Care Workers, 6th Edition (Mandatory) 24 [2 CE Hours] This course is designed to familiarize dental healthcare personnel with the requirements for infection control in dental offices in the State of California related to the Dental Board of California’s Minimum Standards for Infection Control (Cal. Code Regs., Title 16, Section 1005) as revised effective August 20, 2011. This basic-level course addresses terminology, reasons for infection control, minimum required standards, and procedures for preventing disease transmission in dental healthcare settings. Additional regulations and recommendations pertaining to worker safety, transmission-based precautions, and emerging infectious diseases should be considered in a dental practice comprehensive infection control program. Course 3: CDC and the Practice of Dental Hygiene, 2nd Edition 36 [2 CE Hours] This basic-level course provides an overview of these infection control guidelines with an emphasis on clinical applications for the dental hygienist. Although the target audience for this course is primarily the dental hygienist, it is also pertinent to other dental professionals who may be involved in infection control program implementation in dental healthcare settings. Course 4: Geriatric Dentistry: Providing Care for Older Adults 52 [3 CE Hours] The purpose of this course is to help all dental professionals gain an appreciation for the significant opportunities the aging population will bring to their practices, along with the challenges. This course will provide dental professionals with basic knowledge and information in gerontology and geriatric dentistry that will enhance their ability to diagnose and manage older patients who have been affected by age-dependent or age-associated changes. The target audience for this basic-level course is dentists, dental hygienists, and dental assistants of all ages and experience levels. Course 5: Tobacco Cessation: The Role of the Dental Professional 70 [3 CE Hours] Tobacco use is now accurately viewed as a chronic disease rather than a habit. Tobacco use cessation must address nicotine dependence as well as the social and psychological components of tobacco use.11 This basic-level course provides dentists, dental hygienists, and dental assistants with the information to practice tobacco cessation intervention.. Final Examination Answer Sheet 93
©2024: All Rights Reserved. Materials may not be reproduced without the expressed written permission or consent of Colibri Healthcare, LLC. The materials presented in this course are meant to provide the consumer with general information on the topics covered. The information provided was prepared by professionals with practical knowledge in the areas covered. It is not meant to provide medical, legal or professional services advice. Colibri Healthcare, LLC recommends that you consult a medical, legal or professional services expert licensed in your state. Colibri Healthcare, LLC has made all reasonable efforts to ensure that all content provided in this course is accurate and up to date at the time of printing, but does not represent or warrant that it will apply to your situation or circumstances and assumes no liability from reliance on these materials. i DENTAL HYGIENIST CONTINUING EDUCATION
What are the requirements for license renewal? License Expires
CE Hours Required
Mandatory Subjects
2 hours of California Infection Control 2 hours of California Dental Practice Act 4 hours of Basic Life Support (must be
25 No more than 12 hours are allowed through home-study. You cannot receive credit for more than 8 hours per day.
Licenses expire every two years on the last day of licensee’s birth month.
live, in-person; online courses do not satisfy this requirement)
How much will it cost? - Enter the code that corresponds to the course below online. COURSE TITLE
Course 1: California Dental Practice Act, 7th Edition (Mandatory)
$19.95 DCA02DP24
Infection Control Standards for California Dental Health Care Workers, 6th Edition (Mandatory)
Course 2:
$19.95 DCA02IC23
Course 3: CDC and the Practice of Dental Hygiene, 2nd Edition
$19.95 DCA02CD
Course 4: Geriatric Dentistry: Providing Care for Older Adults
$29.95 DCA03GD
Course 5: Tobacco Cessation: The Role of the Dental Professional
$29.95 DCA03TC
Best Value - Save $47.75 - All 12 Hours
12 $72.00
In accordance with California Code of Regulations (Title 16, Section 1016), a maximum of 8 credit hours may be awarded to you in one day. When completing multiple courses, please submit completed exams for grading as you complete each course, not to exceed more than 8 CE hours in any given day. How do I complete this course and receive my certificate of completion? See the following page for step by step instructions to complete and receive your certificate. Are you an California board-approved provider? Colibri Healthcare, LLC is designated as a Nationally Approved PACE Program Provider for FAGD/MAGD credit. Approval does not imply acceptance by any regulatory authority or AGD endorsement. Current approval period is 1/1/2022 to 12/31/2025; Provider ID# 217536. Colibri Healthcare, LLC is an ADA CERP Recognized Provider. ADA CERP is a service of the American Dental Association to assist dental professionals in identifying quality providers of continuing dental education. ADA CERP does not approve or endorse individual courses or instructors, nor does it imply acceptance of credit hours by boards of dentistry. California Dental Board (provider #RP6030). Are my credit hours reported to the California board? No, the Dental Hygiene Board of California requires licensees to certify at the time of renewal that he/she has complied with the continuing education requirement. The board performs audits at which time proof of continuing education must be provided. Is my information secure? Yes! We use SSL encryption, and we never share your information with third-parties. We are also rated A+ by the National Better Business Bureau. What if I still have questions? What are your business hours? No problem, we have several options for you to choose from! Online at you will see our robust FAQ section that answers many of your questions, simply click FAQs at the top of the page, e-mail us at, or call us toll free at 866-344-0972, Monday - Friday 9:00 am - 6:00 pm EST, Saturday 10:00 am - 4:00 pm EST. Important information for licensees: Always check your state’s board website to determine the number of hours required for renewal, mandatory topics (as these are subject to change), and the amount that may be completed through home-study. Also, make sure that you notify the board of any changes of address. It is important that your most current address is on file. Licensing board contact information: Dental Hygiene Board of California I Department of Consumer Affair 2005 Evergreen Street, #1350 | Sacramento, CA 95815 Phone (916)-263-1978 | Fax (916) 623-4093 Website:
DAILY CE HOUR REQUIREMENT In accordance with California Code of Regulations (Title 16, Section 1016), a maximum of 8 credit hours may be awarded to you in one day. When completing multiple courses, please submit completed exams for grading as you complete each course, not to exceed more than 8 CE hours in any given day. How To Complete This Book For Credit
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• Go to and enter code that corresponds to the course below, then click GO . Each course will need to be completed individually, and the specified course price will apply. Remember you can only complete 8-hours per day. • Proceed to your exam. If you already have an account, sign in with your username and password. If you do not have an account, you’ll be able to create one now. • Follow the online instructions to complete your exam and finalize your purchase. Upon completion, you’ll receive access to your completion certificate. ONLINE FASTEST AND EASIEST!
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California Dental Practice Act, 7th Edition (Mandatory)
$19.95 DCA02DP24
Infection Control Standards for California Dental Health Care Workers, 6th Edition (Mandatory)
$19.95 DCA02IC23
CDC and the Practice of Dental Hygiene, 2nd Edition
$19.95 DCA02CD
Geriatric Dentistry: Providing Care for Older Adults
$29.95 DCA03GD
Tobacco Cessation: The Role of the Dental Professional
$29.95 DCA03TC
Course 1: California Dental Practice Act, 7th Edition (Mandatory) 2 CE Hours
Release Date : January 9, 2024
Expiration Date : January 9, 2027
Faculty Mark Szarejko, DDS, FAGD , received his dental degree from the State University of New York at Buffalo School of Dentistry in 1985 and fellowship in the Academy of General Dentistry in 1994. He has been an examiner for the State of Florida Dental and Dental Hygiene Licensure Examinations since 1994. He has also served as an expert witness for the State of Florida and for private companies. He has authored and edited many dental continuing education courses and has given presentations on varied dental topics to local, regional, and national audiences. He has served as a dentist in the county correctional system for nearly half of his career,
where the incidence of HIV/AIDS is much higher relative to that of the general population. The surgical and nonsurgical dental treatment of HIV/AIDS patients is a common occurrence in this setting, allowing him to have a unique perspective of the oral manifestations of HIV/AIDS patients and their dental treatment. Mark Szarejko has no significant financial or other conflicts of interest pertaining to this course. *This course updates the previous edition, authored by Arthur W. Curley, JD.
How to receive credit ● Read the entire course online or in print.
● Provide required personal information and payment information. ● Complete the mandatory Course Evaluation. ● Print your Certificate of Completion.
● Answer the final examination questions at the end of the course (a passing grade of 75% is required). Test questions link content to learning objectives as a method to enhance individualized learning and material retention.
Disclosures Resolution of conflict of interest
Sponsorship/commercial support and non-endorsement It is the policy of Colibri Healthcare, LLC not to accept commercial support. Furthermore, commercial interests are prohibited from distributing or providing access to this activity to learners.
Colibri Healthcare, LLC implemented mechanisms prior to the planning and implementation of the continuing education activity, to identify and resolve conflicts of interest for all individuals in a position to control content of the course activity. Disclaimer The information provided in this activity is for continuing education purposes only and is not meant to substitute for the independent medical judgment of a healthcare provider
relative to diagnostic and treatment options of a specific patient’s medical condition.
©2024: All Rights Reserved. Materials may not be reproduced without the expressed written permission or consent of Colibri Healthcare, LLC. The materials presented in this course are meant to provide the consumer with general information on the topics covered. The information provided was prepared by professionals with practical knowledge of the areas covered. It is not meant to provide medical, legal, or professional advice. Colibri Healthcare, LLC recommends that you consult a medical, legal, or professional services expert licensed in your state. Colibri Healthcare, LLC has made all reasonable efforts to ensure that all content provided in this course is accurate and up to date at the time of printing, but does not represent or warrant that it will apply to your situation nor circumstances and assumes no liability from reliance on these materials. Quotes are collected from customer feedback surveys. The models are intended to be representative and not actual customers. AGD Subject Code - 563. This course meets the Dental Board of California's requirements for 2 units of continuing education. INTRODUCTION Learning outcomes
Describe the citations, fines, revocations, and suspensions that may be imposed on dental professionals. Identify elements and conditions of informed consent. Describe malpractice claims arising from violations of laws and codes of ethics. Identify the regulations on dental advertising. Describe dental professionals’ mandatory reporter obligations and their role in identifying abuse. Explain the poster requirements for California dental practices. Business and Professions Code) is the set of regulations that governs dentists, dental hygienists, and dental assistants. The Dental Board of California, the Dental Hygiene Board of California, and the California Department of Consumer
After completing this course, the learner will be able to: List the agencies regulating dental practice in California. Describe the scope of practice and initial licensing requirements of dentists and dental auxiliaries in California. Describe the requirements for licensing renewal of dental professionals in California. Outline the prescription privileges of dental professionals in California. Course overview The profession of dentistry in California is regulated by the California Department of Consumer Affairs, the Dental Board of California, and the Dental Hygiene Board of California. The Dental Practice Act (part of the California
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Affairs Dental Practice Act, California Code of Regulations, California Dental Association Code of Ethics, and American Dental Association Principles of Ethics and Code of Professional Conduct. With a more complete understanding of the California Dental Practice Act, dentists, dental hygienists, and dental assistants will be better able to practice within its guidelines. health outcomes. Addressing implicit bias in healthcare is crucial for achieving equity in medical treatment. Strategies to combat these biases involve education and awareness programs for healthcare professionals. These programs help individuals recognize and acknowledge their biases, fostering a more empathetic and unbiased approach to patient care. Additionally, implementing policies and procedures prioritizing equitable treatment for all patients can play a pivotal role in reducing healthcare disparities. Ultimately, confronting implicit bias in healthcare is essential to creating a more just and equitable healthcare system where everyone receives fair and equal treatment regardless of their background or characteristics.
Affairs have the power to amend or revoke these laws as needed, subject to approval by the California legislature. This course provides an overview of these governmental entities and outlines the content of the Dental Practice Act, its attending regulations, and other statutes relating to dental practice. The content of this basic-level course was derived primarily from the State of California Department of Consumer professionals perceive and make treatment decisions, ultimately resulting in disparities in health outcomes. These biases, often unconscious and unintentional, can shape behavior and produce differences in medical care along various lines, including race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, and socioeconomic status. Healthcare disparities stemming from implicit bias can manifest in several ways. For example, a healthcare provider might unconsciously give less attention to a patient Implicit bias in healthcare Implicit bias significantly affects how healthcare or make assumptions about their medical needs based on race, gender, or age. The unconscious assumptions can lead to delayed or inadequate care, misdiagnoses, or inappropriate treatments, all of which can adversely impact
California Dental Practice Act The California Dental Practice Act consists of the basic body of laws governing dentistry found in the California Business and Professions Code (B&P): Division 2, Chapter 4 (beginning with Section 1600), and the California Code of Regulations (CCR): Title 16, Division 10 (beginning with Section 1000). California law requires every dental professional to have a grasp of this basic body of law and related portions of other selected California statutes. California Department of Consumer Affairs The California Department of Consumer Affairs includes 39 regulatory entities that protect public health and safety through licensing and oversight of various professions. These boards and bureaus establish minimum qualifications and levels of competency for licensure in more than 280 business and professional categories, including all health professions (Department of Consumer Affairs, State of California, 2021). The Dental Board of California is one such board falling within the purview of the California Department of Consumer Affairs, which provides a variety of key administrative services to these semi-autonomous boards. Dental Board of California The Dental Board of California (the Board) is part of the California Department of Consumer Affairs. The stated mission of the Board is to “protect and promote the health and safety of consumers in the State of California” (California Dental Practice Act, 2021g). The Board licenses qualified dental healthcare professionals, takes actions to enforce compliance with the Dental Practice Act and other laws of the State of California, and strives to enhance the education of consumers and licensees. The Board regulates licensed dentists, registered dental assistants (RDAs), and registered dental assistants in extended functions (RDAEFs). It also delineates each group’s scope of practice, including any required levels of supervision or any restrictions on the settings in which they may work. Other areas of the Board’s concern include
Throughout this course, regulations of the California Dental Practice Act will be identified or cited by their section number in either the B&P or the CCR but will be referred to collectively as the Dental Practice Act . Appendix A outlines the pertinent contents of each of these laws by section. Relevant sections of the B&P can be read in their entirety at; relevant sections of the CCR can be read in their entirety at https:// Board members collectively are the leaders of these licensing agencies and make important decisions on agency policies and disciplinary actions against professionals who violate state consumer protection laws. Board members approve regulations and help guide licensing, enforcement, public education, and consumer protection activities. Some board members are licensed professionals, whereas others are public members. The governor appoints many board members, but the legislature makes appointments as well. State law requires board members within the California Department of Consumer Affairs to complete orientation and training in several important areas, including ethics, conflict of interest laws, and sexual harassment prevention. licensing, examinations, and continuing education (CE) requirements. The Board also sets fees for dentists and for all dental auxiliaries, including fees in connection with initial licensure and license renewal, permits and permit renewals, and examinations. These regulations are set forth for dentists and dental auxiliaries in the CCR (Sections 1021 and 1022, respectively). Section 1601.2 of the California Dental Practice Act states that “protection of the public shall be the highest priority for the Dental Board of California in exercising its licensing, regulatory, and disciplinary functions. Whenever the protection of the public is inconsistent with other interests sought to be promoted, the protection of the public shall be paramount” (California Dental Practice Act, 2023). According to its vision statement, the Board strives to “be
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regulation constituting grounds for disciplinary action. The Board may employ inspectors for this purpose (California Dental Practice Act, 2019a) To assist California licensed dentists, RDAs, and RDAEFs whose ability to practice dentistry has been impaired by alcohol or drug abuse, the Board has established a diversion program under Business and Professions Code Section 1695 that provides access to appropriate intervention and treatment programs. The diversion program offers these practitioners a means to recover from substance abuse without the added hardship of losing their professional license. The dual purpose of the program is to protect the public and rehabilitate the licensee. The program also provides a voluntary alternative approach to traditional disciplinary actions. Participants must meet the diversion program’s eligibility requirements and agree to comply with the terms of the program. Involvement in the program is kept confidential. Upon successfully completing treatment, the licensee may return to practice, and all records pertaining to the licensee’s participation in the diversion program are purged and destroyed (Dental Board of California, 2023a). All licensees must register with the Board. According to the California Dental Practice Act, Section 1650.1, all applicants and licensees who have electronic mail addresses must report the address to the Board, which will send a notice annually to confirm that the address is still current (California Dental Practice Act, 2016). incompetence, or unprofessional or dishonorable conduct (California Dental Practice Act, 2020h). The responsibilities of the Dental Hygiene Board include determining the scope of practice for all dental hygienists; issuing, reviewing, and revoking licenses; and developing and administering examinations. Additional functions include adopting regulations and determining fees and CE requirements for all hygiene licensure categories. Section 1966 mandates that the Dental Hygiene Board establish a diversion program for licensees whose competency may be impaired due to drug or alcohol abuse, as well as one or more diversion evaluation committees to further the goals of the diversion program (California Dental Practice Act, 2020l).
the leader in public protection, promotion of oral health, and access to care” (California Dental Practice Act, 2021g). The Board consists of 15 members: ● Eight practicing dentists. ● One registered dental hygienist (RDH). ● One RDA. ● Five members of the public. (California Dental Practice Act, 2020a) To ensure that all Board functions are conducted with optimum efficiency, selecting qualified Board members is essential. The governor, Senate Committee on Rules, and speaker of the assembly appoint public members. Because experience is a critical component in the decision-making process, all members of the Board, except public members, must have at least five years of clinical practice in the State of California, preceding the date of their appointments. No more than one member may be on the faculty of any dental college or department, and no members may have financial interests in any dental academic institution. Members are appointed for a four-year term, and no member can remain on the Board for more than two terms (California Dental Practice Act, 2020b). Of the eight practicing dentists on the Board, one must be a member of a California dental college, and one must be practicing in a nonprofit community clinic (California Dental Practice Act, 2020a). The Board may inspect the books, records, and premises of any licensed dentist, as well as the licensing documents, records, and premises of any dental assistant in response to a complaint that either entity has violated a law or Dental Hygiene Board of California Whereas the Board regulates licensed dentists, RDAs, and RDAEFs, the Dental Hygiene Board of California (formerly the Dental Hygiene Committee of California) now oversees all functions and requirements of all categories of RDHs (California Dental Practice Act, 2019c). The Dental Hygiene Board of California consists of nine members, seven of whom are appointed by the governor: two public members, one licensed practicing general or public health dentist, and four RDHs. Of the four RDHs, one must be licensed either in alternative practice or in extended functions, and one must be a dental hygiene educator. The Senate Committee on Rules appoints one public member, and the speaker of the Assembly appoints another public member. Members serve for no more than two consecutive four-year terms, and the governor has the power to remove any member for neglect of duty,
Dentists Scope of practice
by credential, and licensure by residency (Dental Board of California, 2021d). One pathway is to apply following successful completion of the Western Regional Examining Board (WREB) examination, and another is to successfully complete the American Board of Dental Examiners (ADEX) examination. Applicants must provide satisfactory evidence of having passed the California Restorative Technique (RT) examination. If licensed in another state or country, the applicant must submit a completed Out of State/Country Licensure Certification form. Applicants must also provide fingerprints, submit to a criminal background check, and successfully complete the Law and Ethics examination (Dental Board of California, 2021d). Applicants enrolled in a Board-approved dental school may apply for licensure by portfolio. (see applicants/licensure_by_portfolio.shtml; Dental Board of
The Dental Practice Act defines the practice of dentistry and permits dentists licensed in California to engage in the diagnosis or treatment, by surgery or other method, of diseases and lesions and the correction of malpositions of the human teeth, alveolar process, gums, jaws, or associated structures; and such diagnosis or treatment may include all necessary related procedures as well as the use of drugs, anesthetic agents, and physical evaluation (California Dental Practice Act, 2020c). Concerning oral and maxillofacial surgery, please see Section 1638 of the Dental Practice Act, which discusses the treatment of the “functional and esthetic aspects of the hard and soft tissues of the oral and maxillofacial region.” Initial licensure In California there are three basic pathways to licensure for dentists, including licensure by examination, licensure
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Special permits Special permits are required for dentists who want to administer general anesthesia or conscious sedation (to be called “moderate sedation” as of January 1, 2022) in the dental office. Offices providing these services are required to maintain specialized equipment and to have such equipment inspected. Dentists must meet certain initial requirements to obtain these permits and other ongoing requirements to renew these permits every two years (Dental Board of California, 2021h). General anesthesia permit A dentist may not administer general anesthesia on an outpatient basis for dental patients unless he or she possesses a current license in good standing and holds a Board-issued valid general anesthesia permit, or possesses a current permit under Section 1638 (a physician or surgeon with a license to practice dentistry in another state) or 1640 (having a pending contract as a professor in a California dental college; having graduated from a Board-approved dental college, or having completed an advanced education program accredited by either the Commission on Dental Accreditation of the American Dental Association [ADA] or a Board-approved national accrediting body; and being a diplomate of a specialty board, or being qualified to take a specialty board examination, or having completed an advanced educational program from a Board-approved dental college) and holds a Board-issued valid general anesthesia permit (California Dental Practice Act, 2019b). To obtain such a permit, the dentist must supply documentation of the successful completion of a residency program in anesthesia—approved by the Board of Directors of the American Dental Society of Anesthesiology for eligibility for fellowship in general anesthesia—of not less than one calendar year, supply documentation of the successful completion of a graduate program in oral and maxillofacial surgery that has been approved by the Commission on Accreditation of the ADA, and have a fellowship in anesthesia approved by the Board of Directors of the American Dental Society of Anesthesiology. In order to renew a general anesthesia permit, the dentist must complete, at least once every two years, 24 hours of approved courses of study related to general anesthesia, and successfully complete an advanced cardiac life support (ACLS) course. Units earned in the ACLS course may be used toward fulfillment of the general anesthesia course requirement (Dental Board of California, 2021f). Conscious sedation permit A dentist who wants to administer or order the administration of conscious (moderate) sedation must hold a conscious sedation permit. To obtain this permit, the dentist must show proof of successful completion of a course of study in conscious sedation consisting of at least 60 hours of instruction and satisfactory completion of at least 20 cases of the administration of conscious sedation for a variety of dental procedures. The course must comply with the requirements of the ADA’s Guidelines for Teaching the Comprehensive Control of Pain and Anxiety in Dentistry. To renew this permit, the dentist must complete at least once every two years a minimum of 15 hours of coursework related to the administration of conscious sedation and to medical emergencies (Dental Board of California, 2021a). Oral conscious sedation for minors Similarly, permits must be obtained in order for a dentist to administer oral conscious sedation for minors younger than the age of 13. Renewal of this permit requires a minimum of seven hours of approved courses of study related to oral conscious sedation of minors (Dental Board of California, 2021i). Along with an application fee and the form, the
California, 2021d). Applicants must have (1) graduated from a Board-approved dental school in good academic standing and with no pending ethical issues, (2) have passed Parts I and II of the National Board Written Examinations, (3) submit a completed portfolio to the Board within 90 days of graduation, and (4) successfully complete the Law and Ethics examination. Dentists with a current valid license in another state may pursue licensure by credential. (See applicants/licensure_by_credential.shtml.) Section 1635.5 of the Dental Practice Act requires the applicant to show that he or she has either been in active clinical practice or has been a full-time faculty member in an accredited dental education program, and in active clinical practice for a total of at least 5,000 hours in five of the seven consecutive years immediately preceding the date of his or her application. With two years of clinical practice or completion of an accredited residency training program, the remainder of the five-year requirement may be fulfilled with a contract to teach or to practice in certain specified settings. The applicant must submit a letter from WREB to the effect that he or she has not failed the WREB examination within the past five years. The applicant also must not have failed the ADEX examination after November 15, 2019. The applicant must have completed 50 units of continuing education in the past two years, including current mandatory courses (Dental Board of California, 2021d). In 2008, in response to a shortage of dentists the Board implemented a program allowing licensure by residency (Dental Board of California, 2023b). Under this program, individuals are allowed to qualify for dental licensure based on proof of (1) graduation from a CODA-approved (Commission on Dental Accreditation) or Board-approved dental school, (2) the completion of a minimum of 12 months of a general practice residency or advanced education in a CODA-approved general dentistry program, (3) not having failed the WREB examination within the past five years, (4) not having failed the ADEX examination after November 15, 2019, (5) successful completion of the California Law and Ethics examination, and (6) fulfilling the requisite fingerprinting requirements. (See https://dbc.; Dental Board of California, 2021d). According to the Kaiser Family Foundation and the Health Resources Services Administration, California had 513 dental professional shortage areas (Becker’s Dental Review, 2022). Today, geographic areas throughout California continue to experience shortages of dental health providers (State of California, 2021). This situation is likely to persist because the percentage of dentists who may be nearing retirement age is greater than the percentage of dentists who are newly licensed. California does not have a shortage of dentist as the ratio of dentists is 77.9 per 100,000 persons, which is better than the national average of 60.98 persons per 100,000 (Fix, 2020). Similar to dentist shortage areas in other states, it is the inadequate distribution of dentists that is a major component of this problem. The Board regulates more than 100,000 licensees, including dentists, RDAs, and RDAEFs (Dental Board of California, 2021c). As of January 1, 2023, 38,940,231individuals resided in the State of California (California Department of Finance, 2023). The California Dental Association and the Board continue to seek cooperative dialogue with the dental schools and with one another to implement changes that will advance the oral health of all Californians, help eliminate barriers to care, and enable dentists to better serve their patients and the public (California Dental Association, 2021).
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conscious sedation, or general anesthesia was administered, removal to a hospital or emergency center that is the normal or expected treatment for the underlying dental condition is not required to be reported. Reports must be submitted to the Board on forms approved by the Board, with copies sent to the Dental Hygiene Board of California if an RDH was involved in the treatment (California Dental Practice Act, 2020e). The report, in cases in which the patient received anesthesia, must contain at least the following information: ● Procedure date. ● Patient’s age in years and months, as well as weight and sex. ● Patient’s American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) physical status. ● Patient’s primary diagnosis. ● Any other diagnoses. ● Procedures performed. ● Setting in which sedation was performed. ● Medications employed. ● Monitoring equipment employed. ● Category of provider responsible for supervising sedation. ● Category of provider delivering sedation. ● Category of provider monitoring patient during sedation ● Whether the person supervising sedation performed any of the procedures. ● What airway management was planned. ● What depth of sedation was planned. ● Complications. ● Description of unexpected occurrences in airway management. ● Whether the patient was sedated at any time during transportation. ● Category of provider performing resuscitation. Disclosure of individually identifiable patient information must be consistent with applicable law, and the required report cannot be admissible in any action brought by a patient against the licensee. The form must state that the information is not an admission of guilt but is to be used for educational, data, or investigative purposes (California Dental Practice Act, 2020e). It should be noted that the death of a patient must be reported even in cases in which the dentist comes to believe well after the event that it was related to treatment by the dentist or the RDH. Self-Assessment Quiz Question #1 Which detail does not need to be reported within 7 days to the Dental Board of California upon the death of a patient during a dental procedure? a. Procedure(s) performed. b. Patient’s primary diagnosis. c. Name(s) of the dental assistant(s). d. Medications employed. Other permits Special permits also are required to be a full-time professor, an associate professor, or an assistant professor for a California dental college (Dental Board of California, 2021j). Sections 1640 and 1640.3 of the Dental Practice Act set forth the requirements to qualify for, apply for, and renew such a permit, as well as the causes for revocation of this specialty permit. Other special permits include operating a mobile dental clinic, using a fictitious business name, or having an additional dental office. ● Resuscitation equipment employed. (California Dental Practice Act, 2020e)
dentist needs to submit evidence that he or she has (1) satisfactorily completed a postgraduate program in oral and maxillofacial surgery or pediatric dentistry approved by the Commission on Dental Accreditation or a comparable Board-approved organization, (2) satisfactorily completed a periodontics or general practice residency or other advanced education in a Board-approved general dentistry program, and (3) satisfactorily completed a Board-approved program on oral medications and sedation. A dentist who has already been using oral sedation for adult patients should submit documentation of 10 such cases in any three- year period (Dental Board of California, 2023c). Informed consent, complications, and future legislation When the treatment involves general anesthesia or intravenous conscious sedation, the dentist must obtain written informed consent from the patient or from the parent or guardian (California Dental Practice Act, 2020f). In the case of a minor, the written consent must include the wording: The administration and monitoring of deep sedation or general anesthesia may vary depending on the type of procedure, the type of practitioner, the age and health of the patient, and the setting in which anesthesia is provided. Risks may vary with each specific situation. You are encouraged to explore all the options available for your child’s anesthesia for their dental treatment and consult with your dentist, family physician, or pediatrician as needed (California Dental Practice Act, 2020f). In 2015, the death of a six-year-old child named Caleb Sears inspired legislation concerning the administration and monitoring of dental anesthesia and sedation. The first law, AB 2235, requiring the Board to review laws and regulations, was known as Caleb’s Law Part I . The next legislation, Caleb’s Law Part II, was introduced to codify the recommendations in Part I. Yet another piece of legislation, SB 501, on the same subject was introduced at the same time. Governor Brown signed SB 501 into law in 2018 (Senate Bill No. 501, 2018; Dental Board of California, 2022). According to the California Society of Pediatric Dentistry, this law: Scheduled to become effective January 1, 2022, requires significant change to permitting of General Anesthesia, Conscious Sedation, and Oral Conscious Sedation for Minors in the dental setting. These changes include the introduction of a pediatric endorsement and additional patient monitoring requirements when administering general anesthesia or sedation to a minor dental patient, and the creation a new Pediatric Minimal Sedation (PMS) permit. The PMS permit will be required to administer or order the administration of minimal sedation to a patient under 13 years of age. (Niethamer, 2021) However, it is unlikely that the Dental Board of California will be able to complete its rule making by the date the law is to go into effect, and the enactment date may be extended (Niethamer, 2021). The dentist must report within seven days in writing the death of a patient that takes place during any dental or dental hygiene procedure. The dentist must also report any death discovered to be the result of such treatment. Also, unless previously planned, the removal of a patient to a hospital or emergency center for treatment for problems resulting from a dental or dental hygiene procedure must be reported. A report is also necessary in the case of such a removal when the patient has received conscious sedation, oral conscious sedation, or general anesthesia. With the exception of patients to whom oral conscious sedation,
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Dental auxiliaries There are different categories of dental assistants and dental hygienists, each with specific requirements regarding training and skills. Laws specifically define the duties that each category of auxiliary is allowed to perform, the level of dentist supervision required, and the settings in which the duties may be performed (California Dental Association, 2019). It is a criminal offense to perform illegal functions, as well as grounds for license discipline of both the person A dental assistant is an individual who, without a license, may perform basic supportive dental procedures, as authorized by law and by regulations adopted by the Board, under the supervision of a licensed dentist. “Basic supportive dental procedures” are defined in Section 1750 of the Dental Practice Act as procedures that have technically elementary characteristics, are completely reversible, and are unlikely to precipitate potentially hazardous conditions for the patient being treated. Since January 1, 2010, the scope of practice for dental assistants has included new and expanded duties and two new “add-on” specialty permits in orthodontics and dental sedation. All categories of dental assistants are eligible to obtain these specialty permits after completing the required instruction. In addition, licensure and license renewal requirements have changed for RDAs and RDAEFs. The Dental Board of California publishes a duty table available at pdf, and it is shown in Appendix B. Levels of supervision For all categories of dental assistants, dentists retain the authority to determine which new duties their staff members can perform and on which patients these procedures are performed. The level of required supervision is determined Dental assistants Scope of practice by statute for the dental assistant and the RDAEF. For RDAs, the supervising dentist determines on an individual basis which allowable procedures may be completed under general supervision, and which must be completed under direct supervision. In addition to documenting the permitted and prohibited duties of all licensed dental auxiliaries and dental assistants, the table shown in Appendix B designates four basic levels of supervision, using the letters D, C, G, and DD. Direct supervision, designated in Appendix B by the letter D, refers to supervision of dental procedures based on instructions given by a licensed dentist who must be physically present in the treatment facility during the performance of those procedures. Another type of supervision (C) allows the assistant to perform in a designated setting under the supervision of a dentist, RDH, or registered dental hygienist in alternate practice (RDHAP). General supervision, designated by the letter G, means that a duty is permitted based on instructions given by a licensed dentist but does not require the physical presence of the supervising dentist during its performance. Finally, in the category designated DD, the dentist determines whether each procedure can be performed under general supervision, or whether direct supervision of the RDA is required. Exceptions to this category are found in Section 1777 of the Dental Practice Act, which states that direct supervision by the dentist or an RDH or RDHAP is necessary for an RDA or RDAEF engaging in (1) coronal polishing, (2) the application of topical fluoride, or (3) the application of sealants (after having completed a
performing the illegal function and any person who aids or abets such illegal activity. According to the Dental Practice Act, Section 1684.5(d): A dentist shall not concurrently supervise more than a total of five registered dental assistants in extended functions, registered dental hygienists, or registered dental hygienists in alternative practice providing services pursuant to Sections 1753.55, 1910.5, and 1926.05. (California Dental Practice Act, 2015) Board-approved course on the procedure) (California Dental Association, 2019). There is another level of supervision that is not defined but is specified in the description of the actual duty by statute. In those cases, the patient must be seen by the supervising dentist after the duty is performed and before the patient is dismissed. Proof of that compliance requires that the supervising dentist sign off the chart note made by the dental auxiliary. It is a requirement that all supervising dentists be familiar with the permitted and prohibited duties of dental auxiliaries. Therefore, it is essential that supervising dentists review the dental duty tables. Section 1753.7 of the Dental Practice Act also stipulates that a dentist may not simultaneously supervise more than three extended function dental assistants or extended function dental hygienists. Unlicensed dental assistants Although the dental assistant is an unlicensed dental professional, the employer of a dental assistant is responsible for ensuring that any dental assistant hired and in continuous employment for 120 days or more has already successfully completed, or successfully completes within a year of the date of employment, all of the following: ● A Board-approved two-hour course in the Dental Practice Act. ● A Board-approved eight-hour course in infection control. ● A course in basic life support (BLS) offered by an instructor approved by the American Red Cross (ARC) or the American Heart Association (AHA), or any other course approved by the Board as equivalent and that provides the student with the opportunity to engage in hands-on simulated clinical scenarios. Dental assistants must keep their BLS certifications current. (The DALE Foundation, 2021) Initial licensure: Registered dental assistants Section 1752.1 of the Dental Practice Act states that a registered dental assistant applying for initial licensure must submit written evidence to the Board of one of the following eligibility requirements: ● Graduation from an educational program in registered dental assisting approved by the Board, and satisfactory performance on the Registered Dental Assistant Combined Written and Law and Ethics Examination administered by the Board. ● Evidence of completion of at least 15 months of satisfactory work experience as a dental assistant in California or another state, and satisfactory performance on the Registered Dental Assistant Combined Written and Law and Ethics Examination administered by the Board. “Satisfactory work experience” means the performance of the duties of a dental assistant in a competent manner as determined by the employing dentist, who shall certify to such satisfactory work experience in the application. The Board shall give credit toward the work experience referred to in this section to persons who have graduated from a dental assisting
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Candidates for (RDA) licensure must complete and pass a combined (RDA) General and Law and Ethics Written Exam (Dental Board of California, 2023d). Initial licensure: Registered dental assistants in extended functions Section 1753 of the Dental Practice Act states that an RDAEF must submit written evidence to the board of all the following eligibility requirements: ● Current licensure as an RDA or completion of the requirements for licensure as an RDA. ● Successful completion of a board-approved course in the application of pit and fissure sealants. ● Successful completion of either of the following: ○ An extended functions postsecondary program approved by the Board. ○ An extended functions postsecondary program approved by the Board to teach the duties that RDAEFs were allowed to perform prior to January 1, 2010, and a course approved by the Board in the procedures numbered (1), (2), (5), and (7) to (11) of the RDAEF duties specified in Section 1753.5. On september 28, 2021, California Governor Newsome signed Senate Bill (SB) 607, which removed the clinical and/ or practical exam requirement to become a RDAEF, effective January 1, 2022 (Dental Board of California, 2023e). treatment plan. An RDH who practices in a public health program may also apply fluoride and pit and fissure sealants without supervision (California Dental Practice Act, 2021b). Sections 1909 and 1910 of the Dental Practice Act delineate the procedures that an RDH may perform under direct versus general supervision of a licensed dentist. An RDH may perform the following procedures under direct supervision of a licensed dentist after submitting evidence to the Dental Hygiene Board of California of satisfactory completion of an approved course of instruction in the procedure: (1) soft-tissue curettage; (2) administration of local anesthesia; and (3) administration of nitrous oxide and oxygen, whether administered alone or in combination with each other. General supervision is required for (1) preventive and therapeutic interventions, including oral prophylaxis, scaling, and root planing; (2) application of topical, therapeutic, and subgingival agents used for the control of caries and periodontal disease; (3) taking impressions for bleaching trays and application and activation of agents with nonlaser, light-curing devices; and (4) taking impressions for bleaching trays and placement of in-office tooth-whitening devices (California Dental Practice Act, 2020i; Casetext, 2023). Initial licensure According to Section 1917 of the Dental Practice Act, the Dental Hygiene Board of California grants initial licensure as a registered dental hygienist to a person who satisfies all of the following requirements: ● Completion of an educational program for RDHs, approved by the Dental Hygiene Board, accredited by CODA, and conducted by a degree-granting, postsecondary institution. ● Within the preceding three years, satisfactory completion of the dental hygiene examination given by WREB or any other clinical or dental hygiene examination approved by the Dental Hygiene Board. ● Satisfactory completion of the National Dental Hygiene Board examination. ● Satisfactory completion of the California Law and Ethics examination as prescribed by the Dental Hygiene Board.
program in a postsecondary institution approved by the Department of Education or in a secondary institution, regional occupational center, or regional occupational program, even if it is not specifically approved by the Board. The credit shall equal the total weeks spent in classroom training and internship on a week-for-week basis. Graduates of programs not meeting established minimum criteria shall not qualify for satisfactory work experience as defined by this section.. Each applicant for RDA licensure must provide evidence of having successfully completed Board-approved courses in radiation safety and coronal polishing as a condition of licensure. The length and content of the courses is governed by applicable board regulations. In addition, individuals applying for RDA licensure must demonstrate satisfactory performance on the Registered Dental Assistant Combined Written and Law and Ethics Examination administered by the Board and provide written evidence of successful completion within five years prior to application of all of the following: ● A Board-approved course in the Dental Practice Act. ● A Board-approved course in infection control (eight hours). ● A course in bls offered by an instructor approved by the ARC or the AHA, or any other course approved by the Board as equivalent (California Dental Practice Act, 2020g). Statutes and regulations specifically define the duties that each category of hygienist is allowed to perform, the level of dentist supervision required, and the settings in which the duties may be performed. The Dental Board of California does not provide a duty table for dental hygienists. The practice of dental hygiene is defined as including “dental hygiene assessment and development, planning, and implementation of a dental hygiene care plan. It also includes oral health education, counseling, and health screenings” (American Dental Hygienists’ Association, 2023). The practice of dental hygiene does not include: ● Diagnosis and comprehensive treatment planning. ● Placing, condensing, carving, or removing permanent restorations. ● Surgery or cutting on hard and soft tissue—including, but not limited to, the removal of teeth. ● Cutting and suturing soft tissue. ● Prescribing medication. ● Administering local or general anesthesia or oral or parenteral conscious sedation; however, nitrous oxide and oxygen (whether administered alone or in combination with each other) or local anesthesia may be administered by a dental hygienist if he or she has been trained in these procedures and performs such procedures under the direct supervision of a licensed dentist after submitting evidence of satisfactory completion of an approved course of study to the Dental Hygiene Board. (California Dental Practice Act, 2020i) An RDH may provide, without supervision, educational services, oral health training programs, and oral health screenings (California Dental Practice Act, 2021b). Unless otherwise specified by law, an RDH may perform any procedure or provide any service within the scope of his or her practice in any setting, as long as the procedure is performed or the service is provided under the appropriate level of supervision required. He or she must refer any screened patients with possible oral abnormalities to a dentist for a comprehensive examination, diagnosis, and Registered dental hygienists Scope of practice
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