Maryland Physical Therapy Ebook Continuing Education

Figure 53: Seating in Classroom Chair

Figure 54: Neutral Pelvis with Forward Trunk Flexion Leading to Hyperextended Neck

Figure 55: Positioning with Anterior Trunk Support and Resultant Aligned Neck Posture

Figure 56: Switch Placement

Case study Cindy is a 14-year-old girl with the diagnosis of cerebral palsy. She has a posterior head support, but her head position is poor. She leans to her right side and props her head on her chest with her neck hyperextended (Figure 57 a and b). A new head support was trialed that included a right lateral support to keep

Cindy’s head in midline and a suboccipital support to minimize neck hyperextension (Figure 57 c and d). She can now keep her head in midline and better attend visually to her environment; also, it is easier (and safer) for her to eat. With this head support, Cindy is able to access a switch to control her assistive technology.

Figure 57: Head Positioning Case Study

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