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CHRONIC PAIN MANAGEMENT FOR THE DENTAL PRACTITIONER: A PSYCHOSOCIAL PERSPECTIVE Final Examination Questions Select the best answer for each question complete your test online at
60. The center ring of the biopsychosocial model of pain, also called the neurological basis of pain , is:
63. Actions taken by an individual who is in pain to communicate, avoid, or alleviate his or her pain are referred to as? a. Related activities. b. Pain behaviors. c. Belated interference. d. Painful expressions. 64. The medical, organ-based concept that refers to any loss or abnormality of psychological, physical, or anatomical structure or function is reflected in the term? a. Disability. b. Impairment. c. Compensation. d. Decompensation. 65. The phenomenon in which parts of the nervous system that communicate pain information become too sensitive and therefore are more likely to send exaggerated pain signals when stimulated is: a. Impairment. b. Suffering. c. Sensitization. d. Compensation.
a. Pain behaviors. b. Biological pain. c. Impairment/disability. d. Pain perception.
61. The term used to refer to the activation of pain receptors and the resulting transmission of pain signals to the spinal cord and brain is? a. Nociception. b. Positraction. c. Suffering. d. Noxious transmission. 62. Nociceptors respond to three kinds of stimuli: mechanical,
thermal, and? a. Emotional. b. Hydraulic. c. Cognitive. d. Chemical.
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