Ohio Dental Ebook Continuing Education

APPENDIX B Sample Thought Diary for Use in Chronic Pain

Day & Time Stressful Situation Thoughts

Emotional Response Behavior

Change in Pain?

06/12/15, 8:25am

Pain really bad this morning! Slept wrong.

• This is terrible! • I’ll be late for work again. • This is never going to get better, why keep trying? • My wife is sick of my complaining.

• Angry at myself. • Guilty. • A little hopeless.

Irritable, just get to work already.

A little worse.

APPENDIX C Sample 8-Session Treatment Outline of a Typical CBT Intervention for Chronic Pain




1. Introduction to CBT treatment

Treatment introduction.

• Agenda setting (ask patient to contribute to agenda). • Introduce rationale for treatment (CBT model). • Discuss where stress and distress come from in CBT approach (including the stressor-cognition-behavior-emotion model). • Discuss five common responses to stressful life events (thoughts, emotions, behaviors, physical symptoms, social interactions). • Discuss “reversing the vicious cycle” (i.e., core CBT premise of breaking the stressor-emotion cycle). • Introduction to pleasant activities scheduling, and first attempt to schedule pleasant activities. • Discussion of role of homework in treatment. • Summary.

2. Problem solving and goal setting

Identification of core problems and development of an action plan to address them.

• Agenda setting (ask patient to contribute). • Review of previous session: stress and distress. • Homework review (including review of weekly pleasant activities). • Identify target problems related to pain. • Develop a goal and action plan for these specific problems. • Ongoing pleasant activities scheduling. • Summary.

3. Chronic pain and CBT

Introduction to chronic pain and disability.

• Agenda setting (ask patient to contribute). • Review of previous session: problem solving and goal setting. • Homework review (goal and action plan; review of weekly pleasant activities). • Discuss chronic pain and impact, including effects on functioning. • Discuss difference between acute and chronic pain. • Discuss difference between pain intensity and pain interference. • Discuss pain-stress relationship. • Introduce role of behavior and cognitions in chronic pain. • Discuss cognitions particularly associated with pain-related interference (including catastrophizing). • Ongoing pleasant activities scheduling. • Summary.

4. Cognitive therapy, part 1

Identifying and evaluating unhelpful thoughts.

• Agenda setting (ask patient to contribute). • Review of previous session: CBT and chronic pain. • Homework review (review of weekly pleasant activities). • Introduction to thought monitoring. • Instruction in use of the Thought Diary. • Discussion of unhelpful thinking patterns in chronic pain. • Ongoing pleasant activities scheduling. • Summary.

5. Cognitive therapy, part 2

• Agenda setting (ask patient to contribute). • Review of previous session: Identifying unhelpful thoughts. • Homework review (Thought Diary; review of weekly pleasant activities). • Practice identifying and challenging pain-related unhelpful thoughts in session. • Introduction to challenging unhelpful thoughts, including CBT techniques (e.g., decatastrophizing, evaluating the evidence). • Introduce Thought Diary, Part 2: Challenging Your Unhelpful Thoughts. • Ongoing pleasant activities scheduling. • Summary.

Challenging unhelpful thoughts.


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