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CDC AND THE PRACTICE OF DENTAL HYGIENE Final Examination Questions Select the best answer for each question complete your test online at
36. One of the purposes of the Guidelines for Infection Control in Dental Health-Care Settings and Summary of Infection Prevention Practices in Dental Settings is to: a. Address correct ergonomic recommendations for dental hygienists. b. Review proper radiology procedures to expose X-rays. c. Assist in the prevention and control of infectious diseases. d. Propose CDC regulations for infection control procedures. 37. One key administrative recommendation for infection prevention is to: a. Assign at least one trained individual to oversee the infection prevention program. b. Offer masks to coughing patients and other symptomatic persons as they enter the dental facility. c. Ensure that all personnel are current with recommended vaccinations. d. Monitor hand hygiene among all clinical personnel. 38. The most common way for a bloodborne pathogen to be spread is from: a. Patient to patient. b. Dental healthcare professional to dental healthcare professional. c. Dental healthcare professional to patient. d. Patient to dental healthcare professional. 39. One component of a personnel health infection control program in the dental health setting is: a. The use of a CDC high-level disinfectant on housekeeping surfaces including floors. b. The immunization policy includes state and federal regulations. c. The use of biological indicators to monitor the disinfection process. d. The policy of flushing dental unit waterlines after a boil-water advisory. 40. After accidentally receiving a laceration on the hand from a contaminated scaling instrument, a dental hygienist should: a. Do nothing because they have already been vaccinated against HBV. b. Only administer first aid because a laceration is not a medical emergency. c. Report the incident only if the injury seems to be infected. d. Report the injury and seek immediate and appropriate care. 41. Hand hygiene should be performed: a. Only when hands are visibly soiled.
42. Which of the following statements is true regarding hand hygiene? a. Alcohol hand rubs are not indicated for use when hands are visibly soiled. b. A surgical scrub is recommended for all dental hygienists upon arrival at work. c. Gloves are an adequate substitute for hand hygiene. d. Dental hygienists should wash their hands with hot water to remove transient flora. 43. What types of lotions are recommended for healthcare workers to use over the course of the clinical workday? a. Petroleum-based. b. Water-based. c. Oil-based. d. Latex-based. 44. Reusable eye protection should be decontaminated between patients by: a. Rinsing it with water. b. Washing it with soap and water. c. Soaking it in the ultrasonic. d. Putting it through the autoclave. 45. Masks for dental procedures should have a filtration capacity of at least: a. 80 percent. b. 85 percent. c. 90 percent. d. 95 percent. 46. An example of adequate personal protective equipment is a: a. Protective gown that covers all personal clothing. b. Pair of personal eyeglasses. 47. Examples of engineering controls for sharps safety include: a. Special containers for contaminated sharp instruments. b. Written policies and procedures for exposure prevention. c. Single-handed recapping of needles. d. Retracting with a mouth mirror. 48. According to the Spaulding classification system, items that merely contact intact skin are classified as: a. Noncritical. b. Semicritical. c. Nonessential. d. Noninvasive. 49. The safest and most efficient practice for removing debris c. Surgical mask that has become wet. d. Short-sleeved surgical scrub top.
from contaminated instruments is: a. Using an ultrasonic cleaning unit. b. Hand scrubbing with a long-handled brush. c. Hand scrubbing with a scrub brush. d. Rinsing with a strong stream of hot water.
b. For 1 full minute each time hands are washed. c. For 5 to 10 seconds with alcohol sanitizer. d. Before and after treating each patient.
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