Texas Professional Counselor Ebook Continuing Education

● Ethical Rights : Fhe fundamental normative rules about what is allowed of people or owed to people, according to some legal system, social convention, or ethical theory. The ASCA (2022) “specifies the obligation to the principles of ethical behavior necessary to maintain the highest standards of integrity, leadership and professionalism,” and states that counselors “have a primary obligation to the students, who are to be treated with dignity and respect as unique individuals.” The American School Counselor Association (ASCA, 2022) Ethical Standards for School Counselors provides standards in six categories that represent and clarify the ethical responsibility of professional school counselors. The standards, detailed in subsections, list 12 responsibilities to the student, 11 to parent/ guardian, 18 to the school, 14 to duties for intern supervision, and 13 to self. Additional responsibilities in the standards are to the legal/court process, the community, and the profession at large. The purpose of the ASCA ethical standards document is to, “Provide support and direction for self-assessment, peer consultation and performance appraisal regarding school counselors’ responsibilities to students, parents/guardians, colleagues and professional associates, school district and employees, communities, and the school counseling profession.” The ASCA ethical standards should be reviewed and studied in their entirety. based on integrity, competence, confidentiality, maintaining boundaries, cultural sensitivity, equality, veracity, autonomy, and advocacy for clients and the community at large. The codes of ethics within the national associations are aspirational, but violations of the standards in these codes can lead to sanctions for members. Licensed professional counselors have a responsibility to report any incidents of unethical behavior to their regulatory agency. The ACA (2014), provides the following guidance on this topic: Section D: Relationships with Other Professionals D.1.h. Negative Conditions Counselors alert their employers of inappropriate policies and practices. They attempt to effect changes in such policies or procedures through constructive action within the organization. When such policies are potentially disruptive or damaging to clients or may limit the effectiveness of services provided and change cannot be affected, counselors take appropriate further action. Such action may include referral to appropriate certification, accreditation, or state licensure organizations, or voluntary termination of employment.

School counselors believe: ● Every student can learn, and every student can succeed. ● Every student should have access to and opportunity for a high-quality education. ● Every student should graduate from high school prepared for postsecondary opportunities. ● Every student should have access to a school counseling program. ● Effective school counseling is a collaborative process involving school counselors, students, families, teachers, administrators, other school staff and education stakeholders. ● School counselors are leaders in the school, district, state, and nation. ● School counseling programs promote and enhance student academic, career, and social/emotional outcomes. The ASCA (2022) has developed standards that are the “ethical responsibility of all school counseling professionals.” The ASCA includes the following definitions in their document, ASCA Ethical Standards for School Counselors: ● Ethics : The norms and principles of conduct and philosophy governing the profession. ● Ethical Behavior : Actions defined by standards of conduct for the profession. ● Ethical Obligation : A standard or set of standards defining the course of action for the profession. Discussion The American Psychological Association (2023b) provides a definition of ethics that can apply to mental health practice including counseling and therapy: Professional ethics 1. The rules of acceptable conduct that members of a given profession are expected to follow. Code of Ethics 1. A set of standards and principles of professional conduct. The values, principles, standards, directives, and ethical concepts among the leading counseling and psychology associations show similarities in the fundamentals that inform practice and share several underlying themes. Ethical practice is the responsibility and obligation of counselors to maintain the highest standard of professional conduct and behavior as guided by the values, standards, norms, and laws of the association or governing body of the profession. The primary responsibility of the counselor to promote client welfare and ethical practice is founded on ideal of “do no harm,” promoting client autonomy, and fair treatment of clients. The codes of ethics of the ACA, AAMFT, ASCA are the framework of ethical practice, informing the professional obligation to support the welfare of clients. Ethical practice is Beyond the standards, principles, and values that inform ethical practice are the mandatory rules each state presents that must be adhered to by all licensed professional counselors. The TAC, administered by the Texas Behavioral Health Executive Council (TBHEC), requires strict adherence to the rules regulating ethical practice. Disciplinary sanctions will address alleged violations following the procedures stated in the TAC and TBHEC rules (TBHEC, 2023). Procedures for ethical complaints and disciplinary action administered by the board will be explained in the section on ethical violations. A compilation of Texas statutes and rules for counseling and therapy can be found on the TBHEC website by accessing https://www.bhec. texas.gov/statues-and-rules/index.html. It should be noted that the practice of AAMFT is included because the TAC does define the terms “marriage and family counseling,” and “family counseling” in their Occupational Code on Marriage and Family Therapists. The Texas Board of


Examiners of Marriage and Family Therapists is part of the Texas Behavioral Health Executive Council. The TAC outlines the responsibilities of the counselor and marriage and family therapist (MFT). The Texas Licensed Marriage and Family Therapy Act (Texas.gov, 2019a), in the Texas Occupation Code Chapter 502, provides the following definition: Marriage and family therapy (MFT)means providing professional therapy services to individuals, families, or married couples, alone or in groups, that involve applying family systems theories and techniques. The term includes the evaluation, diagnostic assessment, and remediation of mental, cognitive, affective, behavioral, or relational dysfunction, disease, or disorder in the context of marriage or family systems and may include the use of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders and the International Classification of Diseases.

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Book Code: PCTX1324


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