Texas Massage Therapy Ebook Continuing Education - MTX1323

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ETHICS FOR THERAPEUTIC MASSAGE AND BODYWORK Final Examination Questions Select the best answer for each question and mark your answers on the Final Examination Answer Sheet found on page 100, or complete your test online at EliteLearning.com/Book

31. All state licensing authorities, certifying/accrediting agencies, and professional associations establish their own standards of conduct and ethical guidelines for their members, and massage therapists need to: a. Memorize the AMTA, ABMP, and NCBTMB ethical codes. b. Ignore external ethical codes and create their own. c. Refer to the literature or websites of prominent organizations in other fields of study. d. Refer directly to the organizations and academic or training institutions with which they are affiliated as well as with state, local, and national associations and review the ethical guidelines that apply specifically to their practice.

32. The nature of the practitioner-client relationship is a fiduciary one. This means: a. The client and the practitioner are subject to interpersonal dynamics. b. The client trusts that the practitioner will act in the client’s best interests. c. The client and practitioner are equal in the power differential. d. The relationship is not therapeutic.

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