Texas Massage Therapy Ebook Continuing Education - MTX1323

DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS Certificant violations of ethics & standards

certification or registration by a federal, state or local government or agency authority. Certificant’s certification will remain on Emergency Suspension until NCBTMB reviews all information available and a final determination is made. During the suspension period, the Certificant may not: 1. Advertise using their credential or any NCBTMB logo. 2. Use their certificate in any other way to promote their practice. 3. In any way hold themselves out to be certified by NCBTMB. Indefinite suspension A Certificant’s certification has been suspended for an indefinite period of time due to their failure to reply to a complaint. Certificant is required to properly respond and comply with the NCBTMB peer review process prior to the Committee making a final determination. NCBTMB reserves the right to take additional action against the Certificant if additional information related to the complaint becomes available. During the suspension period, the Certificant may not: 1. Advertise using their credential or any NCBTMB logo. 2. Use their certificate in any other way to promote their practice. 3. In any way hold themselves out to be certified by NCBTMB. Probation A Certificant has been placed on probation for a definite period of time and may be subject to meeting certain requirements before the probation is lifted. During the probationary period, the Certificant may continue to: 1. Advertise using their credential or any NCBTMB logo. 2. Use their certificate in any other way to promote their practice. 3. In any way hold themselves out to be certified by NCBTMB. ● HIV/AIDS complications. ● Mental Health & Wellness. ● Improved Mood + Sleep. ● Reducing Seasonal Affective Disorder. ● Massage Therapy + Aging. ● Cardiovascular Health & Massage. ● Massage for Burn Scars. ● Behavior of children with autism or autism spectrum disorder. ● Immune function in women with breast cancer. ● Anxiety and pain in patients following heart surgery. ● Quality of life and glucose levels in people with diabetes. ● Lung function in children with asthma (AMTA, 2016g). ● Easing alcohol withdrawal symptoms. ● Fibromyalgia.

NCBTMB takes its role in serving the public’s trust very seriously. In accordance with the rules and procedures regarding ethical and professional disciplinary complaints, NCBTMB publishes sanctions imposed on certificants found to be in violation of the Code of Ethics and/or Standards of Practice. Revocation A Certificant’s certification has been revoked and that person is no longer certified. A revocation may be: 1. Permanent, meaning that the person may not sit for a certification exam in the future. 2. Non-permanent, meaning that the person may sit for a certification exam again at some designated time in the future. The former Certificant may not: 1. Advertise using their credential or any NCBTMB logo 2. Use their certificate in any other way to promote their practice, or 3. In any way hold themselves out to be certified by NCBTMB. Suspension A Certificant’s certification has been suspended for a definite period of time and may be subject to meeting certain requirements before the suspension is lifted. During the suspension period, the Certificant may not: 1. Advertise using their credential or any NCBTMB logo. 2. Use their certificate in any other way to promote their practice. 3. In any way hold themselves out to be certified by NCBTMB. Emergency suspension A Certificant’s certification has been suspended due to the emergency suspension or restriction of their state license, Expanding use of massage and bodywork in healthcare The profession of massage and bodywork continues to expand into virtually all health care fields and practitioners are increasingly included as vital members of integrated healthcare teams for all ages. The therapeutic benefits of massage continue to be researched and studied. Recent research has been conducted on the effectiveness of massage for the following conditions: ● Oncology-related fatigue, pain and anxiety. ● Osteoarthritis of the knee. ● Reducing post-operative pain. ● Boosting the body’s immune system functioning. ● Decreasing the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome. ● Lowering blood pressure. Cupping During the 2016 Olympics, one of the prominent swimming medalists from the United States had a number of large circular bruises on his back. Since he went on to dominate the competition, these bruises gained world wide attention and it was determined they were from a procedure called cupping . Recently a number of athletes and entertainment celebrities report that they believe this procedure increases the circulation of blood, which promotes muscle action and decreases pain so performance and health is improved. Scientific research studies are limited but it is important to review the benefits and risks of this ancient technique that is gaining popularity in the U.S. Cupping may seem new to the general public, due to all the attention it has gained recently, but it actually dates back to ancient Egyptian, Chinese, Middle Eastern, and Asian countries. One of the oldest medical textbooks in the world, the Ebers Papyrus, describes how the ancient Egyptians used cupping therapy in 1,550 B.C. (WebMD, 2016). ● Benefits for Newborn and Infant care. ● Reducing migraine headache frequency.


Note: Before using these procedures it is important to review the practice of cupping in terms of risks and benefits to determine if it will meet the ethical standard of “do no harm” and protecting the welfare of the client. What is cupping? Glass cups or bulbs are placed on the areas to be treated. The resulting vacuum created under the glass causes blood and nutrients to be drawn to the damaged or injured tissue. Theoretically, when the area is saturated with “new” oxygenated blood, it forces the “old” blood out, along with the toxins. The exchange of blood is thought to result in the development of new blood vessels that will continue to bring healthy oxygen and nutrient filled blood to the area being treated even after the therapy session ends.

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Book Code: MTX1323


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