Texas Massage Therapy Ebook Continuing Education - MTX1323

The ABMP Code of Ethics The AMTA and ABMP organizations share similar fundamental principles, but it is important to review both to expand the professional knowledge of ethics. Members of the ABMP pledge commitment to the highest principles of the massage and ○ Serve the best interests of my clients at all times and provide the highest quality of bodywork and service possible. ○ Recognize that the obligation for building and maintaining an effective, healthy, and safe therapeutic relationship with my clients is my responsibility. 2. Commitment to Do No Harm. ○ Conduct a thorough health history intake process for each client and evaluate the health history to rule out bodywork profession as outlined below: 1. Commitment to High-Quality Care. contraindications or determine appropriate session adaptations. If signs or suspicions of an undiagnosed condition are detected that might make massage inappropriate, refer that client to a physician or other qualified health-care professional, and delay the massage session until approval from the physician has been granted. ○ Understand the importance of ethical touch, and therapeutic intent and conduct sessions with the sole objective of benefitting the client. 3. Commitment to Honest Representation of Qualifications. ○ Never work outside the commonly accepted scope of practice for massage therapists and bodywork professionals. ○ Adhere to the state’s scope of practice guidelines and only provide treatments and techniques for based on training and credentials. ○ Evaluate the needs of each client and refer the client to another provider if the client requires work beyond the therapist’s capabilities, or beyond the capacity of massage and bodywork. ○ Do not use the trademarks and symbols associated with a particular system or group without authentic affiliation. ○ Acknowledge the limitations of massage and bodywork by refraining from exaggerating the benefits of massage therapy and related services in marketing materials. 4. Commitment to Uphold the Inherent Worth of All Individuals. ○ Demonstrate compassion, respect, and tolerance for others. ○ Seek to decrease discrimination, misunderstandings, and prejudice. ○ Understand there are situations when it is appropriate to decline service to a client due to the best interests of a client’s health, or for personal safety, but do not refuse service to any client based on: disability; ethnicity; gender; marital status; physical build; sexual orientation; religious, national, or political affiliation; or social or economic status. 5. Commitment to Respect Client Dignity and Basic Rights. ○ Demonstrate respect for the dignity and rights of all individuals by providing a clean, comfortable, and safe The NCBTMB Code of Ethics This NCBTMB board certification credentials are available for the massage therapy and bodywork profession. It requires achievement beyond entry-level licensure, including completing more education, hands-on experience, and a background check (NCBTMB, 2008). Board Certification through the NCBTMB seeks to align the massage therapy and bodywork profession with other allied health and medical professions, enhancing value and credibility of these professions. Many health care facilities and spas now require board certification to apply for positions (NCBTMB, 2008).

environment for sessions, using appropriate and skilled draping procedures. Give clients recourse in the event of dissatisfaction with treatment, and uphold the integrity of the therapeutic relationship. 6. Commitment to Informed Consent. ○ Recognize a client’s right to determine what happens to his or her body. ○ Understand that a client may suffer emotional and physical harm if a therapist fails to listen to the client and imposes his or her own beliefs in a situation. ○ Inform clients of choices relating to their care, and disclose policies and limitations that may affect their care. ○ Do not provide massage without obtaining a client’s informed consent, or that of the guardian or advocate for the client, for a session plan. 7. Commitment to Confidentiality. ○ Keep client communication and information confidential and do not share client information without the client’s written consent, within the limits of the law. ○ Ensure every effort is made to respect a client’s right to privacy, and provide an environment where personal health-related details cannot be overheard or seen by others. 8. Commitment to Personal and Professional Boundaries. ○ Refrain from and prevent behaviors that may be considered sexual in massage practice, and uphold the highest professional standards in order to desexualize massage. ○ Do not “date” a client, engage in sexual intercourse with a client, or allow any level of sexual impropriety, i.e., behavior or language, from yourself or from clients. ○ Understand that sexual impropriety may lead to sexual harassment charges, the loss of credentials, lawsuits for personal damages, criminal charges, fines, attorney fees, court costs, and jail time. 9. Commitment to Honesty in Business. ○ Know and follow good business practices in regards to record keeping, regulation compliance, and tax law. ○ Set fair fees and practice honesty in marketing materials. ○ Do not accept gifts, compensation, or other benefits intended to influence a decision related to a client. ○ Use the ABMP logo appropriately to establish credibility and market a practice. 10.Commitment to Professionalism. ○ Maintain clear and honest communication with clients and colleagues. ○ Do not use recreational drugs or alcohol before or during massage sessions. ○ Project a professional image with respect to behavior and personal appearance in keeping with the highest standards of the massage profession. ○ Do not actively seek to take another colleague’s clients, disrespect a client or colleague, or malign another therapist or other allied professional. ○ Actively strive to positively promote the massage and bodywork profession by committing to self-development and continually building professional skills (ABMP, 2016). National board certification, unlike state requirements that vary, is based on a uniform set of standards and code of ethics. Certificants throughout the profession represent and benefit from a consistent level of quality evidenced by their national board certification. The NCBTMB Code of Ethics was last updated in 2008, and reflects principles and standards as summarized below. NCBTMB certificants and applicants for certification shall act in a manner that justifies public trust and confidence, enhances the reputation of the profession, and safeguards the interest of individual clients. Certificants and applicants for certification will:

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Book Code: MTX1323


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