Texas Massage Therapy Ebook Continuing Education - MTX1323


Chapter 1: Recognizing and Responding to Human Trafficking in Texas (Mandatory) [1 CE Hour] The purpose of this course is to provide clinicians with the strategies for identifying, assessing and responding to patients who may be current or past victims of human trafficking. This course details venues for human trafficking, techniques for identifying potential trafficked persons, and resources their assistance. Chapter 2: Care for Special Populations [2 CE Hours] Touch is the first sense to develop in humans and may be the last to fade. Touch can reduce the heart rate and lower blood pressure, even for people in comas. Touch also triggers the release of endorphins, the “feel good” chemicals that are also pain suppressants. Studies document positive results using massage to treat conditions as varied as hyperactivity, diabetes, asthma, autism, and burns. Therapeutic massage has been shown to alleviate pain and stress, reducing the need for narcotic or psychotropic medications, and reducing the potential for negative side effects that are associated with medication. This chapter will focus on the benefits of therapeutic massage among individuals requiring specialized care, and suggest important considerations for clients with special needs, including: Chronic pain, chronic illness, the elderly, cancer care, and terminal illness and palliative care. Chapter 3: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: A Comprehensive Guide for Massage Therapists [1 CE Hour] This course provides a comprehensive overview of carpal tunnel syndrome for massage therapists. This overview allows the reader to gain greater knowledge of anatomy, perspectives on how carpal tunnel syndrome affects individuals, as well as specific bodywork methods to alleviate classic symptoms of the condition. Chapter 4: Ethics for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork [3 CE Hours] This course emphasizes the principles and standards of ethical practice for massage therapy and bodywork, and ethical issues that impact the professional in daily practice. The course includes steps to identify potential ethical conflicts, and strategies for ethical decision-making to avoid and resolve ethical issues before they become problematic. The components of informed consent, documentation and records maintenance, establishing boundaries, and collaboration with supervisors and colleagues for integrated healthcare, are detailed based on ethical standards of best practice Chapter 5: Massage Therapy for Sports Injuries [4 CE Hours] This course is designed to familiarize massage therapists with the techniques most commonly used to treat sports injuries, the general terminology associated with sports injuries, the most common sports injuries, the anatomy and physiology involved, and the sports each injury is usually associated with. The course also reviews several tips for helping athletes avoid specific injuries. In several instances, learners will discover that massage






therapy is contraindicated given the specifics of an athlete’s condition. Chapter 6: Working With Clients with Health Problems


[2 CE Hours] Massage in chronic illness can offer relaxation, stress reductions and some relief of muscle ache and tension, learn the basic information about these chronic conditions that may be present in clients, what causes the

condition, the symptoms and treatments. Final Examination Answer Sheet


©2022: All Rights Reserved. Materials may not be reproduced without the expressed written permission or consent of Colibri Healthcare, LLC. The materials presented in this course are meant to provide the consumer with general information on the topics covered. The information provided was prepared by professionals with practical knowledge in the areas covered. It is not meant to provide medical, legal or professional services advice. Colibri Healthcare, LLC recommends that you consult a medical, legal or professional services expert licensed in your state. Colibri Healthcare, LLC has made all reasonable efforts to ensure that all content provided in this course is accurate and up to date at the time of printing, but does not represent or warrant that it will apply to your situation or circumstances and assumes no liability from reliance on these materials.



Book Code: MTX1323

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