Florida Facial-Full Specialist Ebook Continuing Education

● Bone broth : Bone broth is one of the easiest ways to add all of the essential amino acids found in protein to the diet. It can be made by simmering the leftover bones from dinner. Collagen is the skin’s “cement.” It is a fibrous protein found in skin, bone, teeth, tendons, cartilage, hair, nails, and blood vessels. Lack of healthy collagen leads to sagging skin, fine lines, and wrinkles. Collagen is essential for skin elasticity and is a structural tissue that is replaced very slowly. Collagen comprises 30% of the total body’s protein. Collagen strengthens the skin, bones, blood vessels and teeth. It holds together the cells in various organs and tissues. Collagen, and its strong white fibers – called elastin – form the connective tissues that hold the body together. The key component for the body to make collagen is protein – which is combined with certain vitamins and minerals to create the amino acids needed to create collagen. When protein is eaten, the digestive tract breaks it down into amino acids. These amino acids pass into the blood and are carried throughout the body. There are 20 different amino acids, and each one carries its own characteristics. The body cannot make these amino acids on its own, it must be ingested. Most animal sources of protein, such as meat, dairy, eggs, fish, and poultry deliver all the amino acids the body needs. Plant-based sources of protein, such as grains, beans, nuts, and vegetables, lack one or more of the essential amino acids. Vegetarians and vegans can ensure getting all of the amino acids their bodies need by making sure they eat a wide variety of the plant-based proteins. Without enough protein, the body cannot repair itself, and new tissue is slow to regenerate. Protein is an integral part of every healthy diet, and provides a whole host of benefits: ● Protein keeps the immune system functioning properly. ● Maintains heart health. ● Speeds recovery after exercise. ● Helps to reduce the risk for diabetes and cardiovascular disease. ● Protein is vital to growing children, and for maintaining health in senior years. ● Improves mental acuity and improves memory. ● Improves mood and boosts resistance to stress, anxiety, and depression ● Helps the body maintain a healthy weight. ● Builds healthy skin, hair, and nails. ● Helps to build muscle. It is important to opt for high-quality protein in the diet. Grass- fed meat, and organic fruits, vegetables, eggs, etc., are the healthiest choices. The following is a breakdown of how much protein can be derived from different food sources: ● Canned tuna (3 ounces) : 20 grams. ● Salmon (3 ounces) : 19 grams. ● Turkey breast (3 ounces) : 26 grams. ● Chicken breast (3 ounces) : 27 grams. ● Skirt steak (3 ounces) : 25 grams. ● Ground beef (3 ounces lean ground beef) : 22 grams.

● Mozzarella cheese (3 ounces) : 19 grams. ● Cheddar cheese (3 ounces) : 19 grams. ● Cottage cheese (1/2 cup) : 12 grams. ● Peanut butter (2 tablespoons) : 7 grams. ● Almonds (1/4 cup) : 8 grams. ● Walnuts (1/4 cup) : 3 grams. ● Veggie burger (1 patty) : 23 grams. ● Yogurt (1 cup) : 9 grams. ● Whey protein powder (1/3 cup) : 19 grams.

The body cannot store excess protein, so it needs its daily servings in order to function properly. As protein is an essential building block for the skin, it’s important to make it a part of every healthy nutrition plan. The tell-tale signs of protein deficiency are:

● Dull skin. ● Thin skin. ● Cellulite. ● Flaky skin. ● Redness. ● Skin swelling.

Doctors and other health experts recommend eating 5 to 8 servings of protein daily. Adding fish, nuts, nut butters, seeds, and eggs to the diet is a good way to ensure getting enough grams of protein each day. Some people choose to supplement their diet with protein powders, shakes, and bars. We'll go over the pros and cons of supplements in another chapter. If your client has a wound or a skin infection, they will need to increase their daily serving of protein in order to aid the healing process. A great way to up the amount of protein in a diet is to make protein smoothies using natural ingredients. Use almond milk, coconut milk, or regular milk as the base. Add Greek yogurt, silken tofu, nut butter and raw cashews. Vegans and vegetarians can substitute chia seeds, whole oats or ground flax instead of yogurt. Throw in a banana or some berries, and you have a healthy, protein-packed shake. If it needs sweetening, agave is a wonderful, tasty, and healthy alternative to sugar. One of the best ways to increase the amount of collagen producing protein to the diet is by making bone broth. Bone broth is made by simply boiling down, then simmering the bones of various animals. Beef bones, chicken bones, even fish heads can be used to make a healthy bone broth. It can be consumed as soup, refrigerated until it gels into gelatin, or added to gravies and sauces. Bone broth is packed with healthy collagen producing amino acids and protein. Because the body needs a variety of the amino acids that can be obtained by eating meat, vegetarians and vegans have to be especially careful that they consume enough of a variety of plant-based foods with protein in order to ensure that they are consuming all of the crucial amino acids. Collagen and ceramides are vital to a glowing, healthy complexion. Unfortunately, the body naturally slows down production as we age. The best way to keep the skin strong, soft, and healthy is to eat the right combination of foods to aid the body in producing these essential molecules. Protein, healthy fats, and vitamins – especially vitamin C, are crucial in aiding the body to keep up with the production of healthy skin cells, collagen, and ceramides.

● Kidney beans (1/3 cup ): 4 grams. ● Black beans (1/3 cup) : 5 grams. ● Non-fat milk (1/2 cup) : 4 grams. ● Soy milk (1/2 cup) : 4 grams. ● Eggs : 6 grams.


Carbohydrates are one of the three main macronutrients, which means they are needed in large amounts in the diet. They supply the main source of energy for the body. Carbs are also important for healthy brain function; studies show improved memory, mood, and decision- making abilities in those with enough carbs in their diet. This does not mean it’s OK to load up on empty carbs like donuts and processed wheat. It is important to add healthy sources of carbohydrates to the diet. Carbohydrates have gotten a lot of bad press, and it’s a common misconception to think that too many carbs lead to unwanted weight gain. The truth is – all carbs are not created equal. A diet

high in processed carbs, like the ones found in white flour and processed foods, are bad, and can lead to weight gain and other health issues. But to deprive the body of healthy carbs means you’ve taken away its main source of fuel and have deprived your body of essential nutrients. Carbohydrates are foods that get converted into glucose during digestion. There are two kinds of carbohydrates: ● Simple carbohydrates include sugar found in such foods as honey, table sugar, dairy products, fruit and fruit juices. ● Complex carbohydrates are starches and can be found in grain products and some vegetables.

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