New Jersey Physician Ebook Continuing Education

Maternal Health Disparities ___________________________________________________________________

F inal E xam


Select the best answer for each question and mark your answers on the Final Examination Answer Sheet found on page 67, or complete your test online at BOOK.CME.EDU. A passing grade of at least 70% must be achieved in order to receive credit for this course.

21. Which of the following statements regarding the global maternal mortality rate is TRUE? A) The goal annual reduction rate is 15% for every country. B) The location with the largest number of maternal deaths is southeast Asia. C) There was an overall global 34% increase in the maternal mortality rate between 2000 and 2020. D) The lowest rate of maternal mortality occurs in Sweden (with 4 maternal deaths per 100,000 live births). 22. What percentage of all pregnancy-related deaths that occur in the United States are considered preventable? A) 8%

25. All of the following are sources of organizational bias, EXCEPT: A) Location B) Leadership C) Internal politics D) Organizational history

26. What tool is used to quantitatively measure implicit bias? A) IAT


27. All of the following are categories of social determinants, EXCEPT: A) Race B) Economic stability

B) 20% C) 60% D) 80%

C) Health care access and quality D) Social and community context

23. As of 2021, maternal death rates among Black women in the United States is how much higher than the rate noted for White women? A) 1

28. Cultural identity

A) is static and does not evolve over one’s life. B) does not significantly impact how we respond to different situations. C) can influence the behaviors, professional decisions, interactions, and performance in health care. D) is defined as an attitude of humbleness, acknowledging one’s limitations in the cultural knowledge of groups.

B) 2.6 C) 5.8 D) 13

24. Which of the following is a social characteristic that can trigger implicit bias? A) Age B) Skin tone C) English language proficiency and fluency D) All of the above

Final examination questions continue on next page 



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