Texas Funeral Ebook Continuing Education

TEXAS MORTUARY AND CREMATORY LAW UPDATE, 2ND EDITION Final Examination Questions Select the best answer for each question and mark your answers on the Final Examination Answer Sheet found on page 115, or complete your test online at EliteLearning.com/Book 15. Which state agency is authorized by law to regulate the death care industry in Texas? a. The Texas Department of Health.

20. Which of the following is the definition of “alternative container” under Texas law? a. A reusable casket made of stainless steel. b. A temporary container made of cardboard or plastic. c. A permanent burial vault made of concrete. d. An urn made of cherry wood. 21. Does a mortuary student need their own license to work in Texas funeral establishments while under supervision? a. Yes, a student license is required. b. Yes, a provisional license is required. c. No, supervision means a license is not required. d. No, but an apprentice permit is required. 22. At license renewal time, a funeral director, embalmer, or dual licensee age 6 5 or older will be placed in: a. Probationary status. b. Inactive status. c. Retired status. d. Temporary status. 23. To get a Texas provisional funeral director or embalmer license, an applicant must: a. Pass a state exam. b. Have a mortuary school diploma. c. Meet eligibility requirements and submit to a background check. d. Work in the field for six months. 24. How many hours of continuing education must a licensed funeral director or embalmer in Texas obtain every two years? a. 8 hours.

b. The Texas Funeral Service Commission. c. The Texas Medical Examiners Board. d. The Texas Board of Mortuary Affairs 16. What is the common name for Texas Occupations Code, Subtitle L, Chapter 651, which regulates cemetery, crematory, funeral directing and embalming services? a. The Mortuary Code. b. The Funeral Practices Act. c. Mortuary Law. d. The Death Care Statute. 17. According to Texas Administrative Code rule 203.24, the license used for inspection of a funeral establishment must be: a. A photocopy of the original license.

b. A printed license certificate. c. The original license document. d. An electronic license displayed on a phone.

18. The act of refusing to transfer or allow transfer of a dead body to the person responsible for final arrangements is defined as:

a. Abandoning remains. b. Mishandling remains. c. Holding the body hostage. d. Neglecting remains.

19. When preparing a deceased peace officer for burial, a funeral director must advise the next of kin about eligibility to receive a state flag: a. Only if the family asks. b. Only if it seems appropriate. c. Without exception. d. Never.

b. 12 hours. c. 16 hours. d. 24 hours.

Course Code: FTX02MC

Page 46

Book Code: FTX1624


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