Texas Funeral Ebook Continuing Education

(I) Concrete, specifying type of

any other readily available information that reasonably answers the question. (2) Casket price list. (A) Give a printed or typewritten price list to people who inquire in person about the offerings or prices of caskets or alternative containers. The funeral provider must offer the list upon beginning discussion of, but in any event before showing caskets. In lieu of a written list, other formats, such as notebooks, brochures, or charts may be used if they contain the same information as would the printed or typewritten list and display it in a clear and conspicuous manner. Provided, however, that funeral providers do not have to make a casket price list available if the funeral providers place on the general price list, specified in paragraph (5) of this subsection, the information required by this subsection. (B) The list must contain the effective date and the retail prices of all caskets and alternative containers offered which do not require special ordering, and must include, at a minimum, the following specifications: (i) The type of material that is predominantly used in the construction of the merchandise, i.e.: (I) Steel, identified as stainless or by gauge, e.g., 18 gauge; (II) Wood, identified by type, e.g., pecan or cherry; (III) Bronze, described by weight, e.g., 32 oz.; (IV) Copper, described by weight, e.g., 32 oz.; or (V) Other specifically named material, e.g., such as cardboard or corrugated wood; (ii) The type of sealing feature, e.g., sealer, non-sealer, gasketed, or non-gasketed, if specified on the funeral provider’s general price list; and (iii) The material lining the interior of the casket, e.g., crepe, velvet, satin, twill, or silk. (C) Place on the list, however produced, the name of the funeral provider’s place of business and a caption describing the list as a “casket price list.” (3) Outer burial container price list. (A) Give a printed or typewritten price list to persons who inquire in person about outer burial container offerings or prices. The funeral provider must offer the list upon beginning discussion of, but in any event before showing the containers. The list must contain at least the retail prices of all outer burial containers offered which do not require special ordering, enough information to identify each container, and the effective date for the prices listed. In lieu of a written list, the funeral provider may use other formats, such as notebooks, brochures, or charts, if they contain the same information as the printed or typewritten list and display it in a clear and conspicuous

construction, e.g., liner, box, or vault;

(II) Steel, identified as stainless or by

gauge, e.g., 12 gauge (or described as galvanized of a particular gauge); (III) Wood; (IV) Bronze or copper, described by weight or gauge, e.g., 32 oz. or 18 gauge; or (V) Other specifically named material; and (ii) The type of sealing feature, e.g., sealer, non-sealer, gasketed, or non-gasketed, if specified on the funeral establishment price list. (B) Place on the list, however produced, the name of the funeral provider’s place of business, address, and telephone number, and a caption describing the list as an “outer burial container price list.” (4) Urn price list. (A) Give a printed or typewritten price list to persons who inquire in person about urn offerings or prices. The funeral provider must offer the list upon beginning discussion of, but in any event, before showing the containers. The list must contain at least the retail prices of all urns offered which do not require special ordering, the description of an urn under this section must, at a minimum, include the type of material predominantly used in its construction. Bronze urns must be described as sheet bronze or cast bronze, whichever is applicable. The price list must include the effective date for the prices listed. In lieu of a written list, the funeral provider may use other formats, such as notebooks, brochures, or charts, if they contain the same information as the printed or typewritten list and display it in a clear and conspicuous manner. Provided, however, that funeral providers do not have to make an urn price list available if the funeral providers place on the general price list, specified in paragraph (5) of this subsection, the information required by this subsection. (B) Place on the list, however produced, the name of the funeral provider’s place of business, address and telephone number, and a caption describing the list as an “urn price list.”

(5) General price list.

(A) Availability of general price list.

(i) Give a printed or typewritten price list for retention to persons who inquire in person about the funeral goods, funeral services, or prices of funeral goods or services offered by the funeral provider. The funeral provider must give the list upon beginning discussion of any of the following: (I) The prices of funeral goods or funeral services; (II) The overall type of funeral service or disposition; or (III) Specific funeral goods or funeral services offered by the funeral provider. (ii) The requirement in clause (i) of this subparagraph applies whether the discussion takes place in the funeral home or elsewhere. Provided, however, that when the deceased is removed for transportation to the funeral home, an in-person request at that time for authorization to embalm, required by §203.50(a)(2) of this title, does not, by itself, trigger the requirement to offer the general price list if the provider in seeking prior embalming approval discloses that embalming is not required by law except

manner. Provided, however, that funeral providers do not have to make an outer burial container price list available if the funeral providers place on the general price list, specified in paragraph (5) of this subsection, the information required by this subsection. The description of an outer burial container under this section must, at a minimum, include the following specifications: (i) The type of material that is predominantly used in the construction of the merchandise, i.e.:

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Book Code: FTX1624


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