Maryland Massage Therapy Ebook Continuing Education

Table 1. Common Opportunistic Infections in HIV Mycobacterium avium complex (MAC)

• MAC is one of the most common opportunistic bacterial infections in the AIDS population in the U.S. It involves any organ leading to persistent bacteremia and filtration of the tissues leading to organ dysfunction. • Lung nodules and cavitary lesions are common. • Other presentations include pericarditis, soft tissue abscesses, skin lesions, lymph node enlargement, CNS lesions, and bone infection. PATIENT EDUCATION

of information discussed during each visit. This documentation can include diagnoses, treatment plans, medication instructions, lifestyle recommendations, and any other pertinent details. ● Individualized education : Healthcare providers can tailor their patient education efforts based on the patient’s specific needs and level of understanding. Annotated records can highlight areas where further clarification or reinforcement is necessary. ● Longitudinal tracking : Over time, these annotated records create a longitudinal history of patient education and engagement. This longitudinal perspective enables healthcare providers to monitor the patient’s progress, identify trends, and adapt their approach as needed. ● Enhanced communication : Annotated records facilitate more effective communication among healthcare professionals within a care team. When multiple providers are involved in a patient’s care, these records ensure that everyone is on the same page regarding the information provided and the patient’s comprehension level. ● Patient empowerment : Sharing annotated records with patients empowers them to actively participate in their healthcare journey. It allows them to review and reinforce their understanding of important healthcare information between visits. ● Avoid drinking alcohol and using other drugs, especially in unfamiliar surroundings. Alcohol and drug use can make you easily persuaded or reckless (, 2020a). ● Get tested for STIs and get appropriate treatment, if needed. Insist that sexual partners be tested and treated for STIs as well (, 2020a). ● Do not inject drugs. If you do use drugs, use only sterile equipment and water. Never share equipment (e.g., cocaine spoons, needles, syringes, rinse water) with others. Seek help to stop using drugs (, 2020a). Healthcare Consideration : There is a persistent misconception that HIV/AIDS exclusively impacts individuals who identify as bisexual or homosexual. It is imperative to educate patients about the universal risk of HIV infection, emphasizing that it can affect anyone, regardless of their sexual orientation. Furthermore, individuals who are HIV positive may not exhibit symptoms and may be unaware of their status, making it crucial to recognize that infection can originate from asymptomatic carriers irrespective of their sexual orientation. but also for public health, as they contribute significantly to the broader effort to control the spread of HIV/AIDS. Education and awareness about safe sex practices remain key components of a comprehensive strategy to combat this global health challenge.

Healthcare professionals, including nurses, are vital figures at the forefront of patient care and public health advocacy. They shoulder a significant responsibility in disseminating crucial knowledge and evidence-based strategies geared toward preventing the transmission of HIV. Their contributions extend beyond clinical care, encompassing community outreach and education efforts that hold immense potential for effectively mitigating the spread of HIV. To facilitate better patient education and ensure that all key points are adequately covered while addressing comprehension concerns, healthcare professionals can employ a structured approach. One effective method is the practice of annotating the information discussed during each visit. The practice of annotating information discussed during patient visits is a valuable strategy for promoting effective communication, improving patient education, and addressing knowledge gaps. It contributes to a more patient-centered and collaborative approach to healthcare, ultimately leading to better health outcomes and patient satisfaction. By creating annotated records of patient interactions, healthcare providers can achieve several important objectives. ● Comprehensive documentation : Annotated records serve as a comprehensive and organized repository Substance use Alcohol and other drugs have the potential to significantly impair judgment and decision making, leading individuals to become less vigilant about their behavior, including the practice of safe sex. This heightened risk is a critical concern, particularly in the context of HIV prevention, where responsible sexual behavior plays a pivotal role in reducing transmission rates. The following are prevention recommendations (, 2020a): ● Limit your number of sexual partners. The more sexual partners you have, the greater the risk of having an HIV- positive partner whose disease is not well controlled or who has another sexually transmitted infection (STI). If you have more than one sexual partner, you should be tested regularly for HIV infection. ● Know your HIV status. Know the HIV status of your partner(s). Talk to your partner about HIV testing and get tested before any unprotected sex (, 2020a). ● Use a new condom every time you have sex. Use only water-based lubricants because oil-based lubricants can weaken condoms, making them more likely to break or tear. Women can also use a female condom (, 2020a; Mayo Clinic, 2020). Safe sex practices Safe sex practices are paramount in the prevention of HIV/ AIDS. Consistently using condoms, knowing your partner's HIV status, and reducing the number of sexual partners all play a critical role in reducing the risk of transmission. These practices are essential not only for individual protection

Book Code: MMD0724

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