Texas Physician Ebook Continuing Education

Medical Ethics for Physicians __________________________________________________________________

F inal E xam


Select the best answer for each question and mark your answers on the Final Examination Answer Sheet found on page 75, or complete your test online at BOOK.CME.EDU. A passing grade of at least 70% must be achieved in order to receive credit for this course.

21. Prior to the 1960s, medical care decisions were primarily

25. The Karen Ann Quinlan case is significant because it was the first case to deal specifically with the question of A) physician-assisted suicide. B) withdrawing of ventilator support from a permanently unconscious patient. C) removing an artificial feeding tube from a permanently unconscious patient. D) None of the above 26. The link that made the Nancy Cruzan court case and the Karen Ann Quinlan case similar was A) the withdrawing of ventilatory support. B) the removal of an artificial feeding tube. C) the family members spoke for the individuals. D) None of the above 27. During discussions at the state level, one of the agreed upon elements leading to the implementation of the Patient Self-Determination Act (PSDA) of 1990 was that A) incompetent patients have the same rights as competent patients. B) the right to refuse treatment is an issue to be decided at the state level. C) artificial nutrition and hydration are not considered medical treatment. D) the decision-making process should never be made in the clinical setting.

A) nurse-centered. B) patient-centered. C) physician-centered. D) None of the above

22. What three events in U.S. history have caused a shift in the physician-patient relationship? A) The Joint Commission, case law, and the medical technology boom B) The Joint Commission, case law, and research and experimentation C) World War II research and experimentation, presidential elections, and the Joint Commission D) World War II research and experimentation, increased medical technology, and modernization of healthcare structure and organization

23. Extensive publicity about three research projects resulted in the establishment of the National

Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Research. The three research projects were A) the Tuskegee experiment, the Willowbrook State School experiment, and the Belmont report. B) the Belmont report, the Los Alamos project, and the elderly patients with chronic illness injected with live cancer cells. C) elderly patients with chronic illness injected with live cancer cells, the Tuskegee experiment, and Nutrasweet effects on teenagers. D) the Willowbrook State School experiment, the Tuskegee experiment, and elderly patients with chronic illness injected with live cancer cells.

28. The PSDA was legislation at the A) state level.

B) federal level. C) county level. D) hospital level.

24. Which well-publicized court decision brought bioethics to the level of the individual? A) Tuskegee case B) Nancy Cruzan case C) Karen Ann Quinlan case D) Protection of Human Subjects case

Test questions continue on next page 



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