Texas Physician Ebook Continuing Education

______________________________________ Human Trafficking and Exploitation: The Texas Requirement

F inal E xam


Select the best answer for each question and mark your answers on the Final Examination Answer Sheet found on page 75, or complete your test online at BOOK.CME.EDU. A passing grade of at least 70% must be achieved in order to receive credit for this course.

1. Which of the following is an element of the United Nations definition of human trafficking? A) Transport of the person B) Force or coercion of the victim C) Abuse and exploitation D) All of the above 2. How is human smuggling different from human trafficking? A) In smuggling, the individual has been forced or coerced into a country. B) In smuggling, the individual willingly volunteered to enter the new country. C) Specific gender differences exist, as those who get smuggled into the new country are typically men. D) The perpetrators who bring the individual into the new country often utilize legal means to get them in. 3. What is domestic minor sex trafficking? A) The selling of runaways for sexual services across international borders. B) The selling of minors to those in other countries for sex purposes and for financial gain. C) The selling, buying, and/or trading of children for sexual services within the United States. D) The selling and buying of minors for primarily domestic work, such as housekeeping, but that eventually turns sexually abusive. 4. What is the main factor that differentiates sex workers and sex trafficking victims? A) Sex trafficking victims tend to be younger than sex workers. B) Victims of sex trafficking often do not get paid for their sexual work, while sex workers do. C) Sex workers have more options in regards to sexual activity, partners, and the hours they prefer to work. D) Sex trafficking victims experience higher levels of physical and psychological abuse than their sex workers counterparts.

5. Domestic servitude is a A) form of forced labor.

B) form of sexual trafficking. C) form of child work in many developing countries. D) term that refers to trafficking confined to the United States. 6. Why do some traffickers prefer to recruit children to serve as soldiers? A) They are inherently more violent. B) Studies show children have no moral conscience. C) Demographically, they make up a large percentage of the population. D) They tend to be more easily molded and submit to orders without question.

7. How does digital technology play a role in human trafficking? A) It helps to perpetuate the cycle of poverty.

B) It makes identifying potential victims more difficult. C) The Internet can create a greater supply of slaves, which then brings down the cost. D) Young women may be purchased to perform sexual acts, with graphic images then sent via the Internet for purchase. 8. Which of the following is NOT an example of how culture can contribute to human trafficking? A) Beliefs that girls are less valued than boys makes them more dispensable. B) Values that emphasize collectivism may encourage victims to sacrifice themselves for their family. C) Myths that certain races or ethnicities are more erotic and exotic do not affect sex trafficking patterns. D) In some cultures, it is believed that children in lower socioeconomic/cultural groups should be taught early on to understand their positions in life.

Test questions continue on next page 



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