Protection from employment discrimination (23 PA.C.S. § 6320) Basis for relief – A person may commence an action for appropriate relief if all of the following apply: ● The person is required to report suspected child abuse or encouraged to report suspected child abuse. ● The person acted in good faith in making or causing the report of suspected child abuse to be made.
hire, tenure, terms, conditions, or privileges of employment.
Applicability – This section does not apply to an individual making a report of suspected child abuse who is found to be a perpetrator because of the report or to any individual who fails to make a report of suspected child abuse as required and is subject to conviction for failure to report or to refer.
● As a result of making the report of suspected child abuse, the person is discharged from employment or is discriminated against with respect to compensation, Act 10 of 2018 Act 10 of 2018 states that Pennsylvania’s sexual offender registration applies only to individuals who have committed a sexually violent offense on or after December 20, 2012 Act 29 of 2018 Act 29 of 2018 expanded Pennsylvania's definition of child abuse to include when a person leaves a child unsupervised with an individual, other than the parent, whom they know immediately report or cause a report to be made to the appropriate county agency if the provider is involved in the delivery or care of a child under one year of age who is born and identified as being affected by any of the following Act 54 of 2018 Act 54 of 2018 requires the following: All schools to display a child abuse informational poster on premises; GPS reports to be maintained in the statewide database for 10 years or until the child reaches 23 years of age; and any employee that supervises a child during an internship, coop, or work study is considered a volunteer and should have clearance (Pennsylvania Department of Human Services Annual Child Abuse Report, 2018). Information concerning protective services reports shall be maintained by a county agency as follows: (1) County agency records of protective services shall be used and maintained in a manner that is consistent with the use and maintenance of information in the Statewide database, as provided under this chapter, except as otherwise provided in paragraph (2). If required under this chapter to amend or expunge information in the Statewide database, the department shall notify the appropriate county agency of the Act 54 of 2018 1. Definitions and evidence-based screening tools, based on standards of professional practice, to be utilized by health care providers to identify a child born affected by substance use or withdrawal symptoms resulting from prenatal drug exposure or a fetal alcohol spectrum disorder. 2. Notification to the department that a child born affected by substance use or withdrawal symptoms resulting from prenatal drug exposure or a fetal alcohol spectrum disorder has been born and identified. Ongoing involvement of the county agency after taking into consideration the individual needs of the child and the child's parents and immediate caregivers may not be required. 3. Collection of data to meet Federal and State reporting requirements. 4. Identification, informed by an assessment of the needs of the child and the child's parents and Act 52 of 2018 Act 52 of 2018 requires a healthcare provider to immediate caregivers, of the most appropriate lead agency responsible for developing, implementing
(Pennsylvania Department of Human Services Annual Child Abuse Report, 2018).
to be a sexually violent predator (Pennsylvania Department of Human Services Annual Child Abuse Report, 2018).
(Pennsylvania Department of Human Services Annual Child Abuse Report, 2018): ● Illegal substance abuse by the child's mother. ● Withdrawal symptoms resulting from prenatal drug exposure. ● A fetal alcohol spectrum disorder. amendment or expungement within ten days. The county agency shall amend or expunge its records in a commensurate manner within ten days of receiving notification from the department. Notification not to constitute child abuse report. The notification by a health care provider to the department and any transmittal to the county agency by the department shall not constitute a child abuse report. (2) A county agency may maintain information regarding protective services reports that have been expunged in the Statewide database for access by the county agency to assist in future risk and safety assessments and research. Development of interagency protocols and plan of safe care. The department, in collaboration with the Department of Health and the Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs, shall develop written protocols that include, but are not limited to: and monitoring a plan of safe care, informed by a multidisciplinary team meeting that is held prior to the child's discharge from the health care facility, which may include: i. public health agencies; ii. maternal and child health agencies; iii. home visitation programs; iv. substance use disorder prevention and treatment providers; v. mental health providers; vi. public and private children and youth agencies; vii. early intervention and developmental services; viii. courts; ix. local education agencies; x. managed care organizations and private insurers; and xi. hospitals and medical providers.
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