California Physical Therapy Ebook Continuing Education

most of the yoga asanas will involve cocontraction of agonist and antagonist muscles to provide joint stability. For example, warrior III pose has been shown to produce high EMG activity in both the biceps femoris and rectus femoris (Kelley et al., 2019). CHAIR POSE (UTKATASANA) Indications : Quadriceps strengthening. Instructions: See “Range of Motion” (Wörle et al., 2010). WARRIOR I POSE (VIRABHADRASANA I) Figure 4: Warrior I Pose

Instructions: 1. Stand erect with both the feet together (mountain pose/ tadasana ). 2. Walk your feet one leg length plus one foot length apart; adjust the distance so that you feel stable and well stretched. 3. Raise your arms to the sides, stretch them in line with your shoulder girdle, bring the hands in line with the arms, and keep the fingers together and palms facing down. 4. Keeping your trunk upright, turn your left foot on its heel 15° inward, and your right foot and leg 90° outward. 5. Keeping your left leg firm and the trunk vertical, exhale as you bend your right knee until your right shin bone is perpendicular to the floor and the knee is in line with the heel. 6. Keeping your head in line with your spine, gently turn it to the 8. To exit, inhale as you straighten your right knee and turn your feet parallel. If necessary, relax your arms. Repeat on the left side. Modifications using props: 1. If unable to stand unsupported, stand with your back against a table. Rest your hands on the table while you build up the posture. 2. If unable to keep your knee in the correct alignment, hold a yoga brick between your upper shin bone and a wall or pillar (Wö rle et al., 2010) . WARRIOR III POSE (VIRABHADRASANA III) Figure 6: Warrior III Pose right and look toward your right hand. 7. Hold the posture for 5–10 breaths. Indications : Hamstring and hip abductor strengthening. Instructions: 1. Stand erect with both the feet together (mountain pose/ tadasana ). 2. Perform warrior I pose to the right. 3. Exhale as you bend forward to bring your trunk close to the right thigh. 4. As you shift your weight forward, lift your left foot off the floor, and straighten your right leg so that you stay balanced on the right foot. 5. Adjust your pelvis horizontally, and bring your left leg, trunk, and arms in a horizontal line; raise your head as high as your neck can tolerate. 6. Stay in the posture for 5–10 breaths. 7. To exit, inhale as you bend your right knee, come back to warrior I, straighten the right leg, and turn to the center. Relax your arms if necessary. Repeat on the left side. Modifications using props: 1. If unable to balance unsupported, rest your hands and/or your lifted foot on a chair or table for support (Wö rle et al., 2010) . TRIANGLE POSE (UTTHITA TRIKONASANA) Indications : Hip flexor, hip extensor, and hip abductor strength- ening. Instructions: See “Range of Motion” (Wörle et al., 2010).

Indications : Quadriceps and hip extensor strengthening. Instructions: 1. Stand erect with both the feet together (mountain pose/ tadasana ). 2. Walk your feet one leg length plus one foot length apart; adjust the distance so that you feel stable and well stretched. 3. Maintaining a neutral lumbopelvic position, elevate your arms vertically overhead keeping them parallel, palms facing each other. 4. Turn the right foot and leg 90° outward, the left foot and leg 45–60° inward, and your pelvis and trunk 90° to the right; both heels are in line. 5. The central front line of the trunk and the tip of the nose are facing forward; the kneecaps are pointing forward. 6. Exhale as you bend your right knee until the shin bone is vertical. 7. Join your palms if this is possible with straight arms. 8. Hold the posture for 5–10 breaths. 9. To exit, inhale as you straighten your right knee, and turn your pelvis and trunk to the center, feet parallel. If necessary, relax your arms. Repeat on the left side. Modifications using props: 1. If unable to keep your knee in the correct alignment, hold a yoga brick between your upper shin bone and a wall or pillar. 2. If unable to bring the rear heel onto the floor, rest it on a rolled mat; gradually decrease the height of the roll (Wö rle et al., 2010) . WARRIOR II POSE (VIRABHADRASANA II) Figure 5: Warrior II Pose

Indications : Quadriceps and hip extensor strengthening.

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