California Physical Therapy Ebook Continuing Education


forward bend pose found clinically relevant improvements in knee range of motion goniometry after one week of yoga intervention in patients with knee osteoarthritis. (Deepeshwar et al., 2018). Using biomechanical analysis, chair pose has been shown to in- crease knee flexion ROM an average of 12.9° (Polsgrove et al., 2016). Downward dog pose has been shown to increase knee ex- tension ROM by an average of 3.7° (Polsgrove et al., 2016). Trian- gle pose has been shown to extend the knee over its baseline by an average of 9.5° (Whissell, 2021). Using three-dimensional mo- tion capture, equestrian pose has been shown to have the highest amount of knee flexion, peaking at 109.8° ± 27.3° (Mullerpatan et al., 2019). Based on these findings, it can be clinically supported to incorporate corpse pose, seated forward bend pose, triangle pose, and downward dog pose to improve knee extension range of motion. Wind-relieving pose, bound angle pose, equestrian pose, and chair pose improve knee flexion range of motion. CORPSE POSE (SHAVASANA) Indications: Knee extension range of motion. Instructions: 1. Sit upright with your knees bent and feet flat. 2. Lean backwards and bring your lower arms and elbows down. 3. Slowly extend your legs with your feet apart and toes turned out. 4. Rest your arms beside your body so that the armpits are free and the palms are facing up toward the ceiling; if this is not possible, put your hands on your abdomen. 5. Exhale as you relax your body fully, letting your knees sink into full extension. 6. Stay in this pose for 5–15 minutes. 7. To exit, exhale and gently roll onto one side. With another exhale, use your hands to lift your torso to a seated position. Modifications using props: 1. If unable to tolerate laying completely flat, support the head with a folded blanket or pillow (Wörle et al., 2010). SEATED FORWARD BEND POSE (PASCHIMOTTANASANA) Figure 1: Seated Forward Bend Pose Indications: Knee extension range of motion. Instructions: 1. Sit upright with both legs straight. 2. Stretch your trunk and your arms upward, facing the palms toward each other. 3. Keep your trunk lifted from your hips, tilt your pelvis forward, lower your arms, and place your fingertips on the floor behind the hips. 4. Exhale as you lean forward from your hips; lengthen the spine to fold toward your legs without rounding your back. 5. Walk your hands out along the outside of each leg as far as they will go. If you can reach them, hold the sides of your feet with your hands. 6. Stay in the posture for 5–10 breaths. 7. To exit, release the hands from the feet. Inhale as you lengthen the front of your trunk to an upright position. Modifications using props: 1. If limited in hip mobility, sit with both buttocks on a folded blanket. 2. If unable to reach for your toes, use a belt or towel around the balls of your feet (Wö rle et al., 2010) .

Indications: Knee extension range of motion. Instructions: 1. Stand erect with both the feet together (mountain pose/ tadasana ). 2. Walk your feet one leg length apart. 3. Maintaining the neutral pelvic position, lift your chest and raise your arms horizontally in line with your shoulder girdle, with the palms facing the floor. 4. Keeping your trunk upright, turn your left foot on its heel 15° inward, and your right foot and leg 90° outward; both heels should be in the same line. 5. Exhale as you bend your trunk sideways to the right, bending from your hip joint. 6. Hold your right hand above the ankle; only if you can maintain the correct alignment, bring the fingertips or the palm to the floor beside your outer heel. 7. Stretch the left arm up in line with the shoulder girdle, with the palm facing forward. 8. Stay in the posture for 5–10 breaths. 9. To exit, inhale as you lift your chest and raise your arms horizontally, palms facing the floor. Bring your feet parallel and repeat on the left side. Modifications using props: 1. If unable to touch the ankle or floor, rest your lower hand on a yoga brick, chair, or table depending on your flexibility. 2. If unable to straighten the back leg fully, raise the forefoot of the back leg on a yoga brick, rolled mat, or towel (Wörle et al., 2010) (Wö rle et al., 2010) . DOWNWARD DOG POSE (ADHO MUKHA SVANASANA) Figure 3: Downward Dog Pose

Indications: Knee extension range of motion. Instructions:

1. Start in a quadruped kneeling position onto your hands and knees; use a folded blanket underneath your knees if needed. 2. With the knees and feet hip width apart, place your feet perpendicular to the floor, the toes pointing toward the hands. 3. With the arms at shoulder width and parallel, lift your head to move your upper thoracic vertebrae inward. 4. Exhale and lift your knees from the floor, at first keeping your knees slightly bent and your heels lifted off the floor. 5. Lift the hips toward the ceiling, then exhale as you push your thighs back and stretch your heels toward the floor. Straighten your knees as far as you can.

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