The bill would set forth education and training requirements for registration as a psychological testing technician, including proof of completion of a minimum of 80 hours of education and training relating to psychological or neuropsychological test administration and scoring. The bill would require all psychological testing technician services to be provided under the direct supervision of a licensed psychologist, would require supervisors of psychological testing technicians to meet specified requirements, and would assign specified responsibilities to the supervising psychologist, including monitoring the psychological testing technician’s compliance with applicable laws and regulations. The bill would require a psychological testing technician to renew their registration annually, as specified, and would establish a fee of $75 for registration or renewal and a fee of $25 to add or change the psychological testing technician’s supervisor. The approved text reads: Article 10. Psychological Testing Technicians Section 2999.100 a. “Psychological testing technician” means an individual not otherwise authorized to provide psychological and neuropsychological testing under this chapter who is registered with the board and is authorized to perform the following functions: 1. Administer and score standardized objective psychological and neuropsychological tests. 2. Observe and describe clients’ test behavior and test responses. b. A psychological testing technician shall not perform the following functions: 1. Select tests or versions of tests. 2. Interpret test results. 3. Write test reports. 4. Provide test feedback to clients. c. A psychological testing technician shall only psychological testing technician shall not use the title “psychologist” or any title incorporating the word “psychologist.” d. Failure to comply with this section shall be grounds for disciplinary action. Section 2999.101. To register as a psychological testing technician, a person shall submit the following to the board: a. An application that includes the following information: 1. The applicant’s name, identification, and contact information. 2. The applicant’s supervisor’s name, license number, and contact information. 3. Attestation under penalty of perjury that the information provided on the application is true and correct. b. Proof of completion of a bachelor’s degree or graduate degree, or proof of current enrollment in a graduate degree program, from a regionally accredited university, college, or professional school, in either of the following subjects: 1. Psychology. 2. Education, with the field of specialization in educational psychology, counseling psychology, or school psychology. c. 1. Proof of completion of a minimum of 80 use the titles “psychological testing technician” or “neuropsychological testing technician.” A
A. At least 20 hours of direct observation, including at least 10 hours of direct observation of a licensed psychologist administering and scoring tests, and at least 10 hours of direct observation of
either a licensed psychologist or registered psychological testing technician administering and scoring tests. B. At least 40 hours of administering and scoring tests in the presence of a licensed psychologist. C. At least 20 hours of education on topics including law and ethics, confidentiality, and best practices for test administration and scoring. 2. Education and training may be obtained by doing any combination of the following: A. Participating in individual or group instruction provided by a licensed psychologist. B. Engaging in independent learning directed by a licensed psychologist. C. Completing graduate-level coursework at a regionally accredited university, college, or professional school. D. Taking continuing education courses from organizations with board approval pursuant to Section 2915. 3. Nothing in this chapter shall prevent a person engaged in gaining the experience required by this subdivision from administering and scoring psychological and neuropsychological tests. d. The registration fee for a psychological testing technician as specified in Section 2987. e. Electronic fingerprint image scans for a state- and federal-level criminal offender record information search conducted through the Department of Justice. Section 2999.102. a. All psychological testing technician services shall be provided under the direct supervision of a licensed psychologist. b. A supervisor of psychological testing technicians shall satisfy all of the following requirements: 1. Be employed by, or contracted to, the same work setting as the psychological testing technician they are supervising. 2. Be available in-person, by telephone, or by other appropriate technology at all times the psychological testing technician provides services. 3. Be responsible for all of the following: A. Ensuring that the extent, kind, and quality of the services that the psychological testing technician provides are consistent with the psychological testing technician’s training and experience. technician’s compliance with applicable laws and regulations. C. Informing the client prior to the rendering of services by a psychological testing technician that the technician is registered as a psychological testing technician and is functioning under the direction and supervision of the supervisor. c. A psychological testing technician shall notify the board of any change to their direct supervisor. B. Monitoring the psychological testing
hours total of education and training relating to psychological or neuropsychological test administration and scoring that includes the following:
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