Course overview The laws and regulations pertaining to psychologists are subject to change across time and jurisdiction. It is necessary for psychologists to remain up to date on the laws and regulations pertinent to them and their clients. Additionally, it is becoming increasingly important to regularly review the foundational basics of ethics, as well as how these concepts and related codes of conduct should be applied in the psychology profession.
Psychologists often work with vulnerable individuals in sensitive situations. An important aspect of being a mental health professional, through research or by providing therapeutic services, is being aware of the ethical issues faced by all psychologists. If you provide psychological services, you are obligated to remain informed about current ethical standards or issues.
Psychologists often work with vulnerable individuals in sensitive situations. An important aspect of being a mental health professional, whether you conduct research or provide therapeutic services, is being aware of the ethical issues faced by all psychologists. If you provide psychological services, you are obligated to remain informed about current laws and regulations in your jurisdiction as well as ethical standards and issues. THE CALIFORNIA BOARD OF PSYCHOLOGY LAWS AND REGULATIONS 2022 EDITION Full text: regs/2022lawsregs.pdf session of the California Legislature which ended on December 3, 2021.
The practice of psychology in California is governed by statutes and regulations. Statutes are written laws that are approved by the California legislature and signed into law by the governor. Regulations are rules created by the California Office of Administrative Law and adopted by the Board of Psychology, and they interpret or make specific the statutes as they pertain to the Board’s practice act. Statutes are general legal requirements, while regulations detail the specifics within those requirements. As an example, a statute allows the Board to charge a license renewal fee, and a regulation sets the amount of the fee. The 2022 edition of the California Board of Psychology Laws and Regulations document is prepared by LexisNexis for the State of California Department of Consumer Affairs and describes all of the statutes, regulations, and amendments affecting the practice of psychology through the regular
This document details the standards of practice, guidelines for licensing and renewal, and other important factors that go into the everyday practice of the California psychology professional. It also includes the full text of the most recent 2017 version of the American Psychological Association’s Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct. Due to space constraints, the entirety of these statutes and regulations will not be included in the law section of this update. This update will instead provide a general summary of recent updates to the legislative and regulatory documents with links to the full text of each. You are encouraged to visit these websites regularly to see if any changes have been made that apply to you as a California psychology professional. It is recommended that you download a copy of the most recent edition of this document each year so that you have ready access to all current statutes and regulations affecting your practice.
REGULATORY UPDATES Title 16 CCR Sections 1381.9, 1397.60, 1397.61, 1397.62, and 1397.67—Continuing Professional Development ● Current regulations (full text): ● Regulation advisory : advisory.shtml ● Order of Adoption : noa_400_ooa.pdf from the effective date of their renewal and are required to submit proof to the Board upon request. Documentation of CE credit must include name of the CE provider and evidence the provider meets CE provider requirements, topic and subject matter, number of credits or units, and a syllabus or course description.
Under the new model as part of the 36 required credits, licensees must complete a minimum of 4 hours in the subject of laws and ethics as they apply to the practice of psychology. Training must include recent changes/updates on the laws and regulations related to the practice of psychology; recent changes/updates in the Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct published by the American Psychological Association; accepted standards of practice; and other applications of laws and ethics as they affect the ability to practice psychology with the public safely. Per Section 1397.61 (b), training may be obtained in one or more of the following ways, and documentation must indicate which of the CPD activities are being used to fulfill the requirement: ● Formal coursework in laws and ethics taken from an accredited educational institution. ● Approved continuing education course in laws and ethics. ● Workshops in laws and ethics.
This regulation goes into effect on January 1, 2023. It changes the continuing education guidelines and requirements that must be completed by licensed psychologists from a continuing education (CE) model to a continuing professional development (CPD) model, which is broader in scope. Psychologists will still need 36 hours of continuing education biennially. The new CPD model lists 15 professional development activities that are grouped under four different categories: Professional activity, academic, sponsored continuing education, and board certification. Psychologists must accrue hours from at least two of the four CPD categories, and there is a maximum number of CE credits allowed in each category for each renewal. Board certification will be counted as 100% of the 36 hours required within the renewal cycle that certification is obtained. Licensees whose license expires between January 1, 2023, and December 31, 2023, will be allowed to renew based on the CE model or the CPD model. Licensees are still required to maintain proof of compliance for four years
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