California Psychology Ebook Continuing Education

What’s Inside

Chapter 1: Cultural Humility for Behavioral Health Professionals (Mandatory) [6 CE Hours] The purpose of this education program is to present an introduction to cultural humility and offers tools for psychologists and mental healthcare professionals to use when working with diverse patients in a culturally humble manner. THIS COURSE FULFILLS THE REQUIREMENT FOR CULTURAL DIVERSITY/SOCIAL JUSTICE Chapter 2: Laws, Regulations, and Ethics for California Psychologists (Mandatory) [4 CE Hours]


42 The laws and regulations pertaining to psychologists are subject to change across time and jurisdiction. It is necessary for psychologists to remain up to date on the laws and regulations pertinent to them and their clients. Additionally, it is becoming increasingly important to regularly review the foundational basics of ethics, as well as how these concepts and related codes of conduct should be applied in the psychology profession. Psychologists often work with vulnerable individuals in sensitive situations. An important aspect of being a mental health professional, through research or by providing therapeutic services, is being aware of the ethical issues faced by all psychologists. If you provide psychological services, you are obligated to remain informed about current ethical standards or issues.

THIS COURSE FULFILLS THE REQUIREMENT FOR CALIFORNIA LAWS AND ETHICS Chapter 3: Integrative and Comprehensive Trauma Treatment, 3rd Edition [9 CE Hours] This intermediate-level course summarizes the theories on understanding trauma from psychological, developmental, and neurobiological perspectives; discusses various forms of trauma treatment; introduces the reader to integrative approaches to healing that reflect a holistic perspective; and explains practitioner self-care and the prevention of secondary or vicarious traumatization. Case vignettes throughout highlight key learning concepts. Chapter 4: Protocols on Pain Assessment and Management in Modern Medicine



[5 CE Hours] Pain assessment is considered a pivotal aspect of modern medicine. In a broader sense as a concept, pain assessment involves a comprehensive clinical judgment describing and analyzing pain based on the type, significance, and context of the patients’ experience. Describing pain with these assessment tools can be either difficult or easy depending on the demographics of the patients. In pediatric pain assessment, pre-verbal and developmentally disabled children might find it extremely difficult to properly describe the nature and severity of pain. In most cases, modern protocols for pain assessment in this population advise the use of behavioral tools in place of self-reported pain models. Medical personnel handling sessions of pain assessment in the pediatric population are trained to recognize, gauge and document different behavioral cues necessary to improve pain assessment in children. In the geriatric population, pain assessment is more multidimensional, requiring the consideration of different behavioral and physiological cues. Chapter 5: Telemental Health: An Alternative to Traditional Psychotherapy, 2nd Edition [3 CE Hours] 161 Telemental health (TMH) is a broad term that refers to the provision of behavioral and mental health services using telecommunications or videoconferencing technology. Because technological advances in TMH are developing so rapidly, many practitioners may not have learned about how these advances can be integrated into clinical practice. Research has shown no evidence that TMH delivery of evidence-based mental health treatment is less effective than in-person delivery, even in the treatment of complex disorders like PTSD. This intermediate-level course provides a framework for understanding issues relating to TMH and offers information for developing TMH clinical practices.

©2025: All Rights Reserved. Materials may not be reproduced without the expressed written permission or consent of Colibri Healthcare, LLC. The materials presented in this course are meant to provide the consumer with general information on the topics covered. The information provided was prepared by professionals with practical knowledge in the areas covered. It is not meant to provide medical, legal or professional services advice. Colibri Healthcare, LLC recommends that you consult a medical, legal or professional services expert licensed in your state. Colibri Healthcare, LLC has made all reasonable efforts to ensure that all content provided in this course is accurate and up to date at the time of printing, but does not represent or warrant that it will apply to your situation or circumstances and assumes no liability from reliance on these materials. PSYCHOLOGY CONTINUING EDUCATION Book Code: PYCA2725 i

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