Resources ● 50-State Survey on Telemental Health Laws in the US The 2017 survey, available online, provides information about the regulations and policies for telemental health services across the U.S. https://www. survey-on-telemental-health-laws-in-the-united-states- 2017-appendix-released/ ● American Telemedicine Association The American Telemedicine Association is a nonprofit organization that provides current information about improving the quality, equity, and affordability of healthcare. It offers a newsletter and video series to individuals interested in providing telehealth. https:// ● Center for Connected Health Policy (CCHP) The Center for Connected Health Policy is an organization that seeks to develop and advance telehealth policies to promote improvements in health and healthcare systems. It provides analyses about important telehealth policy issues, engages the public and private sectors, and provides key telehealth policy resources. ● Center for Telehealth and eHealth Law The Center for Telehealth and eHealth Law (CTeL) provides information about legal and regulatory issues. It provides resources for healthcare providers, law firms, associations, universities, and insurance companies that want to better understand telehealth regulatory issues. ● Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services provides federal guidance on the use of telemental health and telehealth, including billing codes. It provides useful information about general requirements, fee schedules, and lists of telehealth services. https://www.
● Cloud-Based Electronic Medical Record Software There are numerous HIPAA-compliant, web-based software products for storage of electronic medical records (EMR). This website offers numerous links to different services and includes ratings, type of platforms, and cost estimates. medical/web-based-emr-software-comparison ● Medicare Learning Network (MLN) The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) provides this online pamphlet of comprehensive guidelines for telehealth, including definitions of distant and originating sites and billing codes. https:// Learning-Network-MLN/MLNProducts/downloads/ TelehealthSrvcsfctsht.pdf ● National Telehealth Technology Assessment Resource Center The National Telehealth Technology Assessment Resource Centers offers a variety of services to help with technology assessment and selecting appropriate technologies for programs. It offers a monthly webinar series, telemedicine toolkits, and a video library. http:// ● Telemental Health Comparisons This website states that it independently compared telemental health technologies to help providers identify the best technologies for their online practice. It also includes links to information about regulation, certification, reimbursement, and training. https:// Health Institute ● The Telemental Health Institute provides training, credentialing, consultation, and supervision to individuals who want to start their telemental health practice or those who are already using telemental health.
TELEMENTAL HEALTH: AN ALTERNATIVE TO TRADITIONAL PSYCHOTHERAPY, 2ND EDITION Self-Assessment Answers and Rationales 1. The correct answer is B.
3. The correct answer is D. Rationale: Regarding licensure, practitioners may be held legally liable for practicing without licenses if they disregard licensure issues and requirements.
Rationale:Commonly-used video software platforms, such as FaceTime, Skype, and Google Hangouts, do not currently have the required encryption and should not be used for telemental health sessions until they are compliant with the regulations of the Health Insurance Portability and Accessibility Act. 2. The correct answers are A, C, AND D. Rationale: Components that should be included in a safety plan for telemental health sessions include ensuring client’s sobriety and appropriate attire for session, verifying the privacy of the client, especially in the case of domestic violence, and having a backup communication plan in the case of lost connection.
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