Florida Funeral Ebook Continuing Education

INFANT EMBALMING Final Examination Questions Select the best answer for each question and mark your answers on the Final Examination Answer Sheet found on page 61 or for faster service complete your test online at EliteLearning.com/Book

56. The amount of cavity fluid used will be based on the size of the _____. a. Incision b. Needle c. Casket d. Infant 57. How many types of autopsies are performed on infants? a. 3 b. 4 c. 1 d. 2 58. Treatment of the viscera will be performed the same way as

51. Approximately ___ of birth weight is water until the age of 1 year. a. 35% b. 65% c. 75% d. 90% 52. Chemicals and guidelines for injection are provided by the ____. a. Hospital b. Manufacturer c. Pathologist d. Embalmer 53. It is important to note that some customs or family wishes, do not allow for the infants ____to be closed for the purposes of viewing. a. Eyes b. Mouth c. Arms d. Hands 54. The treatment of the cavity of an infant is _____ to the treatment of an adult or child. a. The same b. Unlike c. Similar d. Doesn’t exist 55. An infant trocar measuring approximately ____ inches in length and a ¼ inch in diameter. a. 7

an _____. a. Adult b. Child c. Adult or Child d. Shouldn't be done

59. In the case of thoracic embalming or autopsied cases the infant should be placed in _____ underneath their clothing to prevent leakage of fluids. a. Plastic Garments b. Cotton Sheets c. A towel d. Stockings 60. The positioning of the infant for viewing purposes is generally at the discretion of the overseeing_____.

a. Clergy b. Parents c. Funeral Home or Director d. Embalmer

b. 12 c. 15 d. 18

Course Code: FFL01IE


Book Code: FFL1223

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