memorial, or graveside service. There are restrictions to some balloon releases in areas near an airport. For example, there is a cemetery located on the property of Dallas-Fort Worth Airport. It is not permitted to release balloons at that cemetery due to the potential danger to the planes flying overhead. Funeral service providers should follow prudent care standards to ensure an honored request does not cross into an area of illegality. Even when the action is on the part of the family or friends, prior knowledge of acts can implicate the funeral director and firm in a legal sense and the public media arena. As parents age, they will make decisions their children may not support or agree with. The inverse is true as well. As children grow up and begin making their own decisions, their parents will not always support those decisions. The lifestyle that any adult chooses may include any number of components that family or friends may not agree with. As with all situations and conflicts discussed in this course, funeral service professionals must honor the legal next of kin’s request and instructions.
Other requests may not always be able to be as easily arranged or honored. For example, some social groups traditionally like to discharge firearms at the graveside when laying to rest a group member. When the group is not affiliated with any governmental, law enforcement, or military organization, this practice is not always permitted by law, nor is it safe in most settings. There is a possibility that local law enforcement may honor the request under certain circumstances, such as the use of blanks and other safety factors being observed. Other requests may be considered benign and harmless. It is a relatively common practice to have a balloon release at a funeral, Lifestyle conflicts The conflict caused by cultural practices are not always with historical practices not being honored but are sometimes due to new practices being introduced to a family. Adults do not always make decisions in their life that will be wholly supported by their family and extended family members. There can be conflicts that arise among the decedent’s chosen partner or spouse and other family members.
There will always be situations that arise in the world beyond the control of any person or group, just as the pandemic of 2020 affected the world in so many ways. Properly serving client families will always include growth and evolution. The continual growth of all funeral service professionals, combined with the acceptance and inclusion of all client families and coworkers, is integral to the success of all individually, professionally, and as valuable citizens to the world. BRDzARIsAIVQUOeyM8GjMwuTWe-Hzfq4xHiAYYipDH5_FELYhNt9RPyC5osf_ mNagvwaAotZEALw_wcB Walsh, B. (2017, November 1). When You Die, You Will Probably Be Embalmed. Thank Abraham Lincoln For That. Smithsonian Magazine. Retrieved from https://www. funeral-industry-180967038/#:~:text=It%20is%20estimated%20that%20of,offer%20their%20 services%20to%20mourners (2020). (2020). professional (2020).
Just as the world continues to become increasingly diverse, so will the death care industry. Every funeral service professional must strive to maintain an open mind to the positive possibilities of an ever-changing world. The development of change will often be accompanied by discord and conflict. The potentially harmful aspects of change can positively improve and help directors grow as professionals and human beings. References Blaine, B. E., & Brenchley, K. J. (2018). In Understanding The Psychology of Diversity (3rd ed.). Los Angeles, CA: Sage Publications. Cann, C. K. (2020). Black Deaths Matter Earning the Right to Live: Death and the African- American Funeral Home (Doctoral dissertation, Baylor University). Retrieved from https:// Leetz, T. (2020). In Mortuary Law and Practice. Overland Park, KS: Wilbert Funeral Services, Inc. and Pierce Mortuary Colleges, Inc. The Wilbert Group. Lipka, M. (2014). Many U.S. Congregations Are Still Racially Segregated, But Things Are Changing. Retrieved from fact-tank/2014/12/08/many-u-s-congregations-are-still-racially-segregated-but-things-are- changing-2/ Razafindrakoto, G. (2006). The Old Testament and the Malagasy famadihana Ritual. : . Resolving Funeral Disputes. (2016, May 19). Law Explorer. Retrieved from https:// The Cost of War: Killed, Wounded, Captured, and Missing. (2020). Retrieved from
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