Georgia Cosmetology Ebook Continuing Education

Condition/Disease/Disorder Description Extremely Serious Disorders-Skin Cancers Basal Cell Carcinoma

Least malignant-most common skin cancer characterized by light or pearly nodules & visible blood vessels. Scaly, red papules-blood vessels are not visible more serious than basal cell. Most serious-characterized by dark brown, black, or discolored patches on the skin.

Squamous Cell Carcinoma

Malignant Melanoma


Abnormal growth of swollen tissue.

Nail diseases/disorders Condition/Disease/Disorder Description Onychophagy Nail biting. Onychogryposis

Overcurvature of the nail-clawlike. Sticky overgrowth of the cuticle.


Eggshell Nail Leuconychia

Extremely thin nail.

White spots under the nail plate.


Bacterial inflammation of tissue (perionychium) around the nail.

Tinea Corporis

Ringworm of the hand. Ringworm of the foot.

Tinea Pedia




An inflammation somewhere in the nail. Blue nail (usually caused by poor circulation).

Onychocyanosis Hematoma Nail Tinea Unguium Onychorrexis

Bruised nail (usually caused by a hammer or slammed door).

Onychomycosis-ringworm of the nail.

Split or brittle nails with a series of lengthwise ridges.

Beau’s Lines


Onychatrophia Onychocryptosis

Atrophy or wasting away of the nail.

Ingrown nail.

Onychauxis Onychosis

Overgrowth of the nail plate.

Any nail disease.


Accumulation of horny layers of epidermis under the nail.

Hair disease/disorders Condition/Disease/Disorder Description Pityriasis Capitis Simplex Dry dandruff.

Pityriasis Capitis Steatoids Seborrhea Oleosa = Oily Dandruff

Greasy dandruff.


Split hair ends.

Trichorrehexis Nodosa


Tinea Favosa Tinea Capitis Tinea Sycosis

Honeycomb ringworm. Ringworm of the scalp.

Barber’s itch.

Androgenetic Alopecia Alopecia Adnata Alopecia Areata Alopecia Follicularis Alopecia Prematura

Common hereditary hair loss. Loss of hair shortly after birth.

Hair loss in patches.

Hair loss caused by inflammation of hair follicles.

Hair loss early in life. Hair loss from old age. Hair loss from entire scalp. Hair loss from entire body.

Alopecia Senilis Alopecia Totalis

Alopecia Universalis

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Book Code: CGA0523

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