Georgia Cosmetology Ebook Continuing Education

● Rhinoplasty : Plastic surgery of the nose. ● Rhytidectomy : Face lift. ● Seasonal : Influenced by weather. ● Subjective symptom : Symptom that can be felt by client, but not by observation. ● Systemic : Due to over or under functioning of the internal glands. ● Trichology : Study of hair. ● Venereal disease : Acquired by sexual contact.

● Integumentary system : One of the 10 systems of the body; pertains to the skin, its appendages and functions. ● Mentoplasty : Chin surgery. ● Objective symptom : Visible symptom. ● Occupational : Due to certain kinds of employment. ● Parasitic : Caused by vegetable or animal parasites. ● Pathogenic : Produced by disease causing bacteria. ● Pathology : Study of disease. ● Prognosis : Foretelling of the probable course of a disease. ● Retin-A : Prescription cream used in the treatment of acne.


In a salon, you will come in contact with diseases and disorders of the skin and its appendages: the hair and nails. Your license requires you to be responsible for the recognition of

potentially infections diseases. Some disorders can be treated in cooperation with and under the supervision of a physician.

Skin conditions/descriptions

WARNING: NEVER TRY TO DIAGNOSE A DISEASE; ALWAYS REFER TO A PHYSICIAN. NOTE : COLOR CHANGES, A CRACK ON THE SKIN, A TYPE OF THICKENING, OR ANY DISCOLORATION, RANGING FROM SHADES OF RED TO BROWN AND PURPLE TO ALMOST BLACK, MAY BE SIGNS OF DANGER AND SHOULD BE EXAMINED BY A DERMATOLOGIST. CAUTION: DO NOT TREAT OR REMOVE HAIR FROM MOLES. Condition/Disease/Disorder Description Pigmented Lesions Lentigo Small, yellow to brown spots. Chloasma Moth patches, liver spots = increased deposits of pigment. Naevus Birthmark (portwine or strawberry) small-large malformation of skin due to pigmentation or dilated capillaries. Leucoderma Abnormal light patches due to congenital defective pigmentations. Vitiligo Acquired condition of leucoderma-may affect skin or hair. Albinism Congenital absence of melanin pigment. Stain Abnormal, brown, skin patches having a circular & irregular shape. Disorders of the Sebaceous Glands Comedones Blackheads, a worm-like mass of keratinized cells & hardened sebum. Milia Whiteheads, an accumulation of dead, keratinized cells and sebaceous matter trapped beneath the skin. Acne Simplex Chronic inflammatory disorder usually related to hormonal changes & overactive sebaceous glands. Acne Vulgaris Acne-pimples. Acne Rosacea Chronic inflammatory congestion of the cheeks & nose.

Seborrhea/Seborrhea Oleosa = Oily Dandruff

Overactive sebaceous glands-often the basis of acne.

Steatoma Asteatosis Furuncle

Wen or sebaceous cyst (subcutaneous tumor) ranges in size from a pea to an orange. Dry, scaly skin characterized by absolute or partial deficiency of sebum.

Boil-a subcutaneous abscess that fills with pus.


Sac-like, elevated (usually round) area, contains liquid or semi-liquid substance-when a follicle ruptures deep within the dermis & irritating oil & dead cells seep into the surrounding tissues often cause acne pits. Follicle filled with oil, dead cells, & bacteria inflammation causes white blood cells to rush to fight bacteria creating a pus.


Disorders of the Sudoriferous Glands Bromidrosis

Osmidrosis=foul-smelling perspiration.


Lack of perspiration. Excessive perspiration.

Hyperhidrosis Miliaria Rubra

Prickly heat-eruptions of small red vesicles accompanied by burning & itching-caused by excessive heat.

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