Georgia Cosmetology Ebook Continuing Education

● Controlling bleeding: To help the victim without infecting yourself (or the victim), wear rubber gloves. While chance of infection on the job are small, why take unnecessary risks with your life? Following the necessary safety precautions is the best way to minimize risks.

Precautions When first aid measures are needed, make sure that you adhere to the following: ● Mouth-to-mouth breathing: The safest course of action is to use a breathing mask whenever you are called on to give mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. Summary Bloodborne pathogens are a very real risk in the workplace. However, protective measures are in place for employees at risk. To avoid infection of bloodborne pathogens, it is very important to follow all precautions.

Knowing how infection occurs is the first step in preventing the spread of disease. Certain factors and behaviors put employees at risk. Avoid these behaviors as much as you can. Education combined with practicing safe behaviors can save your life.


Table of contents ● Decontamination and Infection Control: ○ Introduction. ○ Objectives.

● Professional salon environment. ● Safety precautions. ● Material Safety Data Sheet (M.S.D.S.) ○ Organizing an M.S.D.S. notebook.

Introduction Infection and disease control is one of the most important aspects of being a professional salon operator or owner. Federal and state laws govern what must be done by operators and owners to ensure the safety of the public and that no germs are allowed to spread uncontrolled. This unit provides you with the necessary elements to help control dangerous disease-causing germs. By following some Learning objectives Upon completion of this course, you will be able to discuss the importance of: Š Decontamination. Š Sanitation, disinfecting, and sterilization.

very important basic procedures and by providing a clean salon it will be easy to provide your clients with the very best professional care without the fear of your clients becoming infected by a disease agent. It is important to understand that the removal of all disease-causing germs in a salon will be almost impossible, but the control of dangerous levels is the key to providing a safe salon.

Š Use of disinfectant products. Š Using disinfectants in the salon. Š Salon professionalism.


● The heat steam of an autoclave has been used for many years and has proven to be one of the most dependable forms of sanitizing. ● Hospital-grade disinfectants are used to sanitize surfaces and tools as well. ● Quaternary Ammonium Compounds (quats) are available in liquid or tablet form. Implements should be immersed for 20 minutes or longer to ensure elimination of germs and bacteria. ● Glutaraldehyde is a germicidal used to disinfect and sterilize implements that cannot be heat sterilized. ● Ethyl Alcohol is used as a disinfectant. In order to remain effective, the strength of ethyl alcohol should be no less than 70%. ● Bleach (sodium hypochlorite), commonly known as house hold bleach , has for many years been utilized as a disinfectant at killing germs. As a result of more advanced techniques now being used, bleach is not the preferred method for decontamination. It is, however, very effective on floors, sinks, and general cleaning around the salon. ● Ultrasonic Cleaners are used in some salons but must be used with a disinfectant. The advantage of this device is that it may reach tiny crevices that may otherwise be omitted in the cleaning and sanitizing process. ● Disinfection is also a part of operating a safe salon. Disinfection is used when objects can be damaged due to exposure to extreme heat. Disinfection kills microorganisms with the exception of spores. It is important to understand that disinfectants should never be used on clients. Note : It is important that directions are followed when using disinfectants . When directions are not followed money can be wasted. Furthermore, by not following directions properly, the product that is to be disinfected may not be if a solution is too weak. It is also important to understand that the

Let’s take a close look and see what can be done to identify and control the professional salon environment. Things like tables, chairs, walls, and floors are very likely contaminated with a number of germs that may be very serious disease-causing germs. There may be millions of germs present that do not affect humans when contact is made. However, one case of an infected client can send your career and the reputation of your salon downward. By understanding contamination and knowing the proper techniques of decontamination, shop operators and owners can avoid ugly lawsuits and having the business they worked hard to build destroyed. It is important to understand the more people that enter the salon environment, the greater the chance that new germs will be introduced and reintroduced as a result of the human contact factor. Control over where and what people do before they get to the salon is impossible to monitor, so contamination concerns must be continuous and ongoing. Your responsibility as a professional to eliminate and control contamination is vital. Decontamination of surfaces and tools used in the salon will allow for a safe and professional experience for the client. Contamination can occur in many forms and on the surface of equipment, implements, and furnishings may not show signs of contamination. Soiled towels, combs, brushes, and even clippers can and more than likely are sources for contamination if not disinfected or sterilized properly. Sanitation and disinfection are required in the salon to provide a safe environment for clients, coworkers, employees and oneself. Sanitation is the removal of large amounts of living organisms from a surface. By sanitizing tools and other items used in the salon, bacteria and germs are eliminated or lowered to safer levels. Popular forms of sanitation are described below:

Book Code: CGA0523

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