Nebraska PDMP Clinician User Guide Nebraska PDMP Clinician User Guide
3. Check the box next to Grid View to view the information in a table format. 3. Check the box next to GridView to view the information in a table format. 3. Check the box next to GridView to view the information in a table format.
3. Select the notification type from the dropdown menu.
3. Select the notification type from the dropdown menu.
4. Set the number of months for the notification. The default number of months is 6, but that can be changed by clicking in the box and either typing in a new number or using the up/down arrows to select a different number of months. 4. Set the number of months for the notification. The default number of months is 6, but that can be changed by clicking in the box and either typing in a new number or using the up/down arrows to select a different number of months. 5. Click the Add Notification button. 6. Notifications created are visible in Prescription Notifications .
Patient Notifications within Patient Query Patient Notifications within Patient Query
Patient Notifications within Patient Query Notifications for prescriptions dispensed to the patient selected from the query results are available to view in the Patient Notifications tab. For additional information on Notifications, see Prescription Notifications.
5. Click the Add Notification button.
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Notifications for prescriptions dispensed to the patient selected from the query results are available to view in the Patient Notifications tab. For additional information on Notifications, see Prescription Notifications. Notifications for prescriptions dispensed to the patient selected from the query results are available to view in the Patient Notifications tab. For additional information on Notifications, see Prescription Notifications.
6. Notifications created are visible in Prescription Notifications.
Nebraska PDMP Clinician User Guide
Query History Query History is a log of all recent queries, whether performed by the Delega- tor or the Delegate. Clinicians may use the Query History as a quick method to repeat patient searches. Query History Query History is a log of all recent queries, whether performed by the Delegator or the Delegate. Clinicians may use the Query History as a quick method to repeat patient searches. Nebraska PDMP Clinician User Guide
Query History
Query History is a log of all recent queries, whether performed by the Delegator or the Delegate. Clinicians may use the Query History as a quick method to repeat patient searches.
Prescription Notifications can alert a prescriber to a selected patient’s pre- scription activity. This enables prescribers to monitor both their own prescrib- ing as well as other dispensed prescriptions the patient has received. There are four Notification Types: • New prescriptions dispensed from any prescriber, including the prescriber • New prescriptions dispensed by the prescriber only • New prescriptions dispensed from any other prescriber only • New prescriptions dispensed from a new dispenser Prescription Notifications can alert a prescriber to a selected patient’s prescription activity. This enables prescribers to monitor both their own prescribing as well as other dispensed prescriptions the patient has received. There are four Notification Types: • New prescriptions dispensed from any prescriber, including the prescriber • New prescriptions dispensed by the prescriber only • New prescriptions dispensed from any other prescriber only • New prescriptions dispensed from a new dispenser 1. To create a notification for a patient, click the Create New Prescription Notification button. Prescription Notifications can alert a prescriber to a selected patient’s prescription activity. This enables prescribers to monitor both their own prescribing as well as other dispensed prescriptions the patient has received. There are four Notification Types: • New prescriptions dispensed from any prescriber, including the prescriber • New prescriptions dispensed by the prescriber only • New prescriptions dispensed from any other prescriber only • New prescriptions dispensed from a new dispenser Nebraska PDMP Clinician User Guide Nebraska PDMP Clinician User Guide Interstate Data Sharing Interstate Data Sharing
1. Delegators can track the date/time that a delegate viewed a patient. 2. To re-run a query, click anywhere on the line and then select Submit. 1) Delegators can track the date/time that a delegate viewed a patient. 2) To re-run a query, click anywhere on the line and then select Submit.
Interstate Data Sharing
With interstate data sharing, clinicians can conduct a more thorough medi- cation history review by expanding their search in the PDMP to query other states’ information. (Note: Only controlled substance prescription dispense information will be viewable) 1. From the Patient Query tab, input the first and last name of the patient (must include the date of birth) and select the desired state in the “Additional States to Query” field. Click submit . Page | 25 With interstate data sharing, clinicians can conduct a more thorough medication history review by expanding their search in the PDMP to query other state s’ inf ormation. (Note: Only controlled substance prescription dispense information will be viewable) 1. From the Patient Query tab, input the first and last name of the patient (must include the date of birth) and select the desired state in the “Additional States to Query” field . Click submit . 1) Delegators can track the date/time that a delegate viewed a patient. 2) To re-run a query, click anywhere on the line and then select Submit.
1. To create a notification for a patient, click the Create New Prescription Notification button. 1. To create a notification for a patient, click the Create New Prescription Notification button.
With interstate data sharing, clinicians can conduct a more thorough medication history review by expanding their search in the PDMP to query other state s’ inf ormation. (Note: Only controlled substance prescription dispense information will be viewable) 1. From the Patient Query tab, input the first and last name of the patient (must include the date of birth) and select the desired state in the “Additional States to Query” field . Click submit .
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2. A pop-up screen will appear to select the Notification Type and set the number of months expiration for the notification to be active 2. A pop-up screen will appear to select the Notification Type and set the number of months expiration for the notification to be active. 2. A pop-up screen will appear to select the Notification Type and set the number of months expiration for the notification to be active.
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Nebraska PDMP Clinician User Guide
“Show Interstate Data” should be auto-selected.
2. “ Show Interstate Data ” should be auto-selected.
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3. Select the notification type from the dropdown menu.
3. Select the notification type from the dropdown menu.
3. Medications from other states are indicated in the “ State ” column.
4. Set the number of months for the notification. The default number of months is 6, but that can be changed by clicking in the box and either typing in a new number or using the up/down arrows to select a different number of months.
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