Nebraska Physician Ebook Continuing Education

Please note that not all Left Menu items are available to all roles or user types, but rather items are based on the type of registration through DHHS (e.g., a pharmacist will not see Personal CS Prescribing History or Prescriber Reports). Please note that not all Left Menu items are available to all roles or user types, but rather items are base type of registration through DHHS (e.g., a pharmacist will not see Personal CS Prescribing History or Pr Reports). Clinician Menu The Clinician Menu provides easy access to RxGov tools for managing PDMP compliance and PDMP prescriptions. It defaults to the Patient Query screen. For optimal results, RxGov should be run on a PC window maximized to full screen.

Nebraska PDMP Clinician User Guide Nebraska PDMP Clinician User Guide

Getting Started

Nebraska PDMP Clinician User Guide

1. Visit the Nebraska DHHS website: Overdose-Prevention-PDMP- Access.aspx and click on the “Current User Nebraska PDMP Login” link. Getting Started Nebraska PDMP Clinician User Guide

1. Visit the Nebraska DHHS website: Access.aspx and click on the “ Current User Nebraska PDMP Login ” link.

Getting Started Getting Started

1. Visit the Nebraska DHHS website: Access.aspx and click on the “ Current User Nebraska PDMP Login ” link. 1. Visit the Nebraska DHHS website: Access.aspx and click on the “ Current User Nebraska PDMP Login ” link.

OR visit the CyncHealth website and click on “ PDMPLogin ” in the Login Access section. OR visit the CyncHealth website and click on “PDMP Login” in the Login Access section. OR visit the CyncHealth website and click on “ PDMPLogin ” in the Login Access section. OR visit the CyncHealth website and click on “ PDMPLogin ” in the Login Access section.

Nebraska PDMP Clinician User Guide

Manage Delegators/Delegates

2. Sign into OKTA. 2. Sign into OKTA.

2. Sign into OKTA. 2. Sign into OKTA.

Prescribers and Prescriber Delegates; Dispensers and Dispenser Delegates can establish relationships that allow the delegate to view patient queries and prescription notifications on the delegator’s behalf. To set up a relationship, both the Delegator and Delegate must be registered and authorized to use the PDMP. Add a Delegate/Delegator 1. Select Manage Delegates from the Left Side Menu. 2. Select Add New Delegate or Delegator . Manage Delegators/Delegates Prescribers and Prescriber Delegates; Dispensers and Dispenser Delegates can establish relationships that allow the delegate to view patient queries and prescription notifications on the delegator’s behalf. To set up a relationship, both the Delegator and Delegate must be registered and authorized to use the PDMP. Add a Delegate/Delegator 1. Select Manage Delegates from the Left Side Menu. 2. Select Add New Delegate or Delegator . Nebraska PDMP Clinician User Guide Manage Delegators/Delegates Prescribers and Prescriber Delegates; Dispensers and Dispenser Delegates can establish relationships that allow the delegate to view patient queries and prescription notifications on the delegator’s behalf. To set up a relationship, both the Delegator and Delegate must be registered and authorized to use the PDMP. Add a Delegate/Delegator 1. Select Manage Delegates from the Left Side Menu. 2. Select Add New Delegate or Delegator .

Nebraska PDMP Clinician User Guide

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3. Select the PDMP app tile.

3. Select the PDMP app tile.

Page | 9 3. Search for the delegate/delegator by partial or complete first/last name or email . If the delegate/delegator is not found in this search, make sure he/she has completed the PDMP registration process before proceeding. 3. Search for the delegate/delegator by partial or complete first/last name or email . If the delegate/delegator is not found in this search, make sure he/she has completed the PDMP registration process before proceeding. 3. Search for the delegate/delegator by partial or complete first/last name or email. If the delegate/delegator is not found in this search, make sure he/she has completed the PDMP registration process before proceeding.

Clinician Menu Clinician Menu The Clinician Menu provides easy access to RxGov tools for managing PDMP compliance and PDMP prescriptions. It defaults to the Patient Query screen. For optimal results, RxGov should be run on a PC with the window maximized to full screen. Please note that not all Left Menu items are available to all roles or user types, but rather items are based on the type of registration through DHHS (e.g., a pharmacist will not see Personal CS Prescribing History or Prescriber Reports). The Clinician Menu provides easy access to RxGov tools for managing PDMP compliance and PDMP prescriptions. It defaults to the Patient Query screen. For optimal results, RxGov should be run on a PC with the window maximized to full screen.

4. Select the intended delegate/delegator from the list by clicking anywhere in the row. The delegate/delegator ’s information will display below.

4. Select the intended delegate/delegator from the list by clicking anywhere in the row. The delegate/delegator ’s information will display below.

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