California Dentist Ebook Continuing Education

● National Cancer Institute Oropharyngeal Cancer Treatment – Health Professional Version (PDQ ® ) Provides detailed information on oropharyngeal cancer. oropharyngeal-treatment-pdq ● National Foundation for Infectious Diseases ○ HPV Resource Center Provides resources including archived webinars to help professionals communicate the need for HPV vaccination. center ○ Professional Tools & Resources: Vaccination Resources Offers a list of resources related to encouraging adolescents to get vaccinated. resources/hcp-tools-resources ● The Oral Cancer Foundation Provides news, support, and events. Online Videos ● Alison Stahl and Trish DeDios Oral Cancer Screening Performed and narrated by licensed dental hygienists. ● Delta Dental of Arkansas Oral Cancer: We Need to Talk About It. Discusses the reason that oral cancer is afflicting younger people today and emphasizes the importance of early detection. ● Robert Ferris HPV and Oropharyngeal Cancer Dr. Ferris of the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center discusses HPV and oropharyngeal cancer. ● The Best 4-minute Oral Cancer Screening Ever Refresher video on performing an oral cancer exam. ● Dennis Kraus Professor Dennis Kraus of the North Shore-LIJ Cancer Institute (now the Northwell Health Cancer Institute),

New York, discusses the emergence of HPV and his counseling of head and neck cancer patients. for-patients-who-suffer-from-head-and-neck-cancer.php Podcasts ● Centers for Disease Control and Prevention HPV Vaccine Shannon Stokley discusses the importance of getting the HPV vaccine. ● Medscape Multispecialty HPV Vaccine Now Recommended for Boys and Young Men Dr. Eileen Dunne of the CDC provides a 5-minute podcast. Patient Resources Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ● HPV and Oropharyngeal Cancer – Fact Sheet Questions and answers concerning HPV and oropharyngeal cancer. hpvandoropharyngealcancer.htm ● HPV Vaccines: Vaccinating Your Teen or Preteen Offers questions and answers and access to related pages. ● Vaccines for Preteens and Teens: What Parents Should Know Provides parents with information about all vaccines that are appropriate for their pre-adolescent and adolescent children. preteens-parents.pdf


HPV & ORAL CANCER: EXPLORING THE LINK Final Examination Questions Select the best answer for each question and mark your answers on the Final Examination Answer Sheet found on page 164, or complete your test online at 1. Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a:

4. Which type of warts generally appear on the face and are more common in children and adolescents? a. Plantar warts. b. Periungual warts. c. Flat warts. d. Anogenital warts. 5. Approximately what percentage range of genital warts reappear within 3 months following removal? a. 5%-10%. b. 10%-20%. c. 20%-30%. d. 30%-40%. 6. In approximately 90% of cases, a healthy immune system will naturally clear the HPV virus within:

a. Single-stranded DNA virus. b. Double-stranded DNA virus. c. Single-stranded RNA virus. d. Double-stranded RNA virus. 2. HPV is strongly associated with invasive cancer of the: a. Lung.

b. Spleen. c. Kidney. d. Vulva.

3. How many new HPV infections occur each year in the United States based upon estimates by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention?

a. 3,000,000. b. 7,000,000. c. 10,000,000. d. 14,000,000.

a. 1 to 3 months. b. 3 to 6 months. c. 6 to 12 months. d. 12 to 24 months.

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